Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

It’s not a surprise to look around and recognize the tremendous shakings that are occurring throughout the world right now. Of all the times, now, more than ever, we should talk about heaven. Many voices are getting caught up in state of the Earth and wanting to restore those areas that are slowly corroding. But, Revelation 21 tells us that there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth! We should not become focused on this life, or how things presently look today, when God is going to make ALL THINGS new. There is much the Bible has to say about Heaven. When we begin to look at how God created heaven and what His plans are, we can be encouraged to know that there are great and mighty things in store for those who are in Christ. Yes, it is true that heaven DOES exist. But, not everyone will spend eternity there and those who do, their rewards will not necessarily be the same. When we begin to understand some of the realities of heaven, we can live out our lives more effectively now! Be filled with hope and encouragement as you begin to live your life with eternity’s values in view!
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It’s not a surprise to look around and recognize the tremendous shakings that are occurring throughout the world right now. Of all the times, now, more than ever, we should talk about heaven. Many voices are getting caught up in state of the Earth and wanting to restore those areas that are slowly corroding. But, Revelation 21 tells us that there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth! We should not become focused on this life, or how things presently look today, when God is going to make ALL THINGS new. There is much the Bible has to say about Heaven. When we begin to look at how God created heaven and what His plans are, we can be encouraged to know that there are great and mighty things in store for those who are in Christ. Yes, it is true that heaven DOES exist. But, not everyone will spend eternity there and those who do, their rewards will not necessarily be the same. When we begin to understand some of the realities of heaven, we can live out our lives more effectively now! Be filled with hope and encouragement as you begin to live your life with eternity’s values in view!
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