Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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through your generosity

We exist to love God, love others and lead others to do the same
through building Christ-centered family community, Biblical teachings,
training, equipping, church planting, media, and missions.

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Reaching the world
by reaching out to each other

In truth with love

Empower you and others to walk in your
destiny and live out this great life adventure.



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“Your online donations and charitable giving are making such a difference for so many as we together love God, love others and lead others to do the same. Online giving is a keyway that we can quickly put your giving to work for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your online donations for nonprofits are tax exempt in according for the IRS code for those giving from the United States.”

Ministries of Greg Lancaster Ministries:  Vine Fellowship Network;  Emmaus Road Discipleship;  GLM’s VFNtv Program;  Torch;  iAbide.org ,  Know God, and all other ministries. Your contributions provide the financial support that is needed to build and maintain these ministries which are all centered upon loving God, loving others, and leading others to do the same. Greg Lancaster Ministries is a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation and all financial gifts are not only deeply appreciated but also tax-deductible in accordance with the IRS Code. When the funds for a certain specified item(s) or project have been met or exceeded or the need for the item(s) or the project(s) is no longer in effect, all remaining funds will be used at the discretion of the ministry for furthering the vision of Greg Lancaster Ministries. All designated donations are gratefully received with the understanding that Greg Lancaster Ministries has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds, and while we do our best to honor the wishes of our donors, the designations are advisory in nature.