Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FATAL PRICE of Familiarity

It is so easy to become familiar with people, places and things.  There are some people that don’t even “come out of their shell,” if you would, till they become familiar, i.e. “figure it out.”  Yet, we are called by God to walk by faith, not by what we’ve figured out.  When it comes to God there is a FATAL PRICE of becoming familiar with Him.  So many over the years have seen their lives, body, ministries and families fall apart, become barren, spiritually and even physical dead occur.  Much of it can be tied back to one spirit, one attitude of heart, “we’ve become familiar with God.”  God is a holy God; a consuming fire.  We’re told to behold the kindness of God, but we’re also told to behold the sternness of God.  In this teaching you’ll discover what becoming familiar with God is; what has been and what can be the consequences of doing so as well as how many have done so and paid this FATAL PRICE.
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It is so easy to become familiar with people, places and things.  There are some people that don’t even “come out of their shell,” if you would, till they become familiar, i.e. “figure it out.”  Yet, we are called by God to walk by faith, not by what we’ve figured out.  When it comes to God there is a FATAL PRICE of becoming familiar with Him.  So many over the years have seen their lives, body, ministries and families fall apart, become barren, spiritually and even physical dead occur.  Much of it can be tied back to one spirit, one attitude of heart, “we’ve become familiar with God.”  God is a holy God; a consuming fire.  We’re told to behold the kindness of God, but we’re also told to behold the sternness of God.  In this teaching you’ll discover what becoming familiar with God is; what has been and what can be the consequences of doing so as well as how many have done so and paid this FATAL PRICE.
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