WATCH! 7th grader told by teacher that “God is a myth”; and It’s time to BE THE CHURCH
LISTEN NOW! 7thGrader Boldly Speaks Truth to Power when she explains that her Teacher made Students say “God is a Myth” When a teacher at a Texas School, West

WATCH! Michael Snyder talking a Financial Crisis; Billy Graham: Persecution is coming to the American Church
LISTEN NOW! “America is not listening to the Prophets” Michael Snyder- Is Economic Collapse Really Coming? When Michael Snyder, was recently invited to the Jim Bakker Show, he shared a

WATCH! Republican Debate; and Russian Submarines too close to Internet Cables?
LISTEN NOW! Republican Debate in Boulder, Colorado There have been two Republican debates, and the third is now upon us; and it is being held in Boulder, Colorado. According

WATCH! Human Trafficking is Happening and What You Can Do About It
LISTEN NOW! SEX TRAFFICKING: Awareness, Stats, Testimonies and HOPE When the topic of slavery comes to mind, or in an open discussion, one would think that slavery is not

WATCH! Ten Commandments taken Down In Capitol of Oklahoma; Interview with David Daleiden President of Center for Medical Progress
LISTEN NOW! Interview with David Daleiden: President of Medical Progress: Over 300 Hours of Undercover Investigated Videos of Planned Parenthood The values of America are being tested, and the
WATCH! High School student suspended for wearing American Flag t-shirt to school; and The Freedom Experience.
WATCH OR LISTEN NOW! Student Suspended Over wearing American Flag T-Shirt? When a student is suspended from school, sent home, or disciplined for actions done while in class, one
WATCH! “One Bad Moment”- sons try to kill their parents, has the judgment of God come to us?
WATCH OR LISTEN NOW! Mark Biltz – From Roshashannah to Yom Kippur Gates are opened and Closed Representing a time Heaven’s Court is in Session In every court hearing,
WATCH! How to win a nation with the 7 spheres of culture; Congressional Hearing with Planned Parenthood
WATCH OR LISTEN NOW! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture It is very interesting days that we are finding ourselves in today. We, as the Church, need

WATCH! George Barna surveyed what the Church in America wants to hear: 91% says Abortion
LISTEN NOW! New Poll Released 12 Issues Christians want their Pastors to Preach About George Barna, with The Barna Group, recently surveyed Christians asking them what they wanted their
WATCH! Senator against Nuke Deal; Pope going UN; Israel defending against indefensible borders
WATCH OR LISTEN NOW! It’s All CONVERGING – Senator Warns that We Must Read the Entire Iran Nuke Agreement, Pope Going to United Nations possible Palestinian State? Much has

WATCH! China declaring War against America?; Potential Financial Crisis
LISTEN NOW! China Declares Financial War on the Dollar? Is Financial Collapse Imminent? Some would understand the basic premise of debt and income. If one spends more than what

WATCH! Awakening Healing Conf over $1000 raised for Orphanages, Soldier’s Back healed after 25 years
LISTEN NOW! $1000 Offering for Orphans in Uganda Looking back at the powerful and mighty events that transpired during the Awakening Healing on the Gulf Coast Conference