Powerful Conversation with Art Thomas: Paid in Full Healing Activation part 2
In this impactful exchange, Art Thomas continues to share about the book Paid in Full: Healing Ministry Activation Manual by encouraging the Body of Christ how to walk and live a life that Jesus calls each of us to live.
When considering how God speaks, we can sometimes limit God by how we would expect Him to speak. This is not true. God can speak to us any way He desires. As Art relies not simply on knowledge, but the application of the Word of God, he has experienced many different testimonies of how God has healed others. When the woman was healed from the issue of blood, in Matthew 5, Jesus recognized that power left His body. When the Centurion asked Jesus to heal his son, in Matthew 8, He recognized that Jesus was a Man of authority, and that he himself was a man of authority. In Luke 9:1, “…Jesus called together the Twelve and gave them power and authority…”. Art gives application by expressing how anytime God gives us something specific and heals, that is authority. Very often, these are subtle impressions. Art continues to detail from his own experiences these dialogues that will help others to grow in their own conversations with God.
Sometimes we have the idea that if God would begin to do something in our lives, then things would be different. By taking this into perspective, this is the same thought as if someone thinks life would be different by having One Million Dollars. For those that do, they realize nothing has changed. They still encounter faults and challenges. We still come face to face with our characters. Often times our giftings can take us places that our character can’t keep us. We still need to be discipled and grow in the likeness of Jesus. Art shares from his own experience that his ministry and his relationship with God are two different realities. If we begin to focus solely on what is done within a ministry and neglect relationship with God, we encounter the realities of Matthew 7:21-23 when Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Whether great things are happening within a ministry or not is not the focus. We cannot satisfy our selves with a focus upon power, we must focus on character. This only comes from intimacy with Jesus.
When we do begin to do as Jesus calls us to walk by going into all the world, whether that is a grocery store, a park, a school, our workplace, what happens AFTER someone is healed is vital. Art expresses how we must tie the message WITH the healing. ‘To heal without sharing the message is not the seed. Our job is to be a seed sower. Healing captures people’s attention. You are going to start drawing a crowd. Tell them what just happened and why.’ The very reality that Jesus healed them of their physical situation is the very indication and opportunity to express those that are healed that Jesus loves them and can forgive their sins.
With all of these truths, many desire to simply want to get started. It’s just as easy as doing just that, just get started. Art stated, “Just because you have a passion for Jesus doesn’t mean you have to be ‘on staff’ somewhere. We need to get on the streets.” From his own experience, he shares, “I wasn’t looking for a pulpit. I was looking for a park.” Jesus said to “Make Disciples” in Matthew 28. Instead of showing up somewhere with ‘a call on your life’ expecting to be given disciples to train, Art encourages The Body to go out, share the Gospel, and make disciples.
As each of us grows in the understanding of these truths, Art reminds us of what this is all about. “Our job is ultimately to love….if you want to be something you need to love. If I don’t love, I don’t know God. God is love.” These are the very actions that express our love to Jesus, by doing what He calls and commands each and every one of us to do. Allow your trust in the words of Jesus to be greatly lifted, your lifestyle to be radically changed when you respond with action, and so much more. Greg and Art shared in this segment.