As so many things are happening in continual headlines throughout the world, many people are wondering and asking where we are on the prophetic time table of Biblical Times. As more and more attention is turning to North Korea, some are asking if North Korea is in in the Bible. North Korea is not mentioned in Scripture, but Iran is. Reportedly, as soon as North Korea gets the ability to produce a nuclear weapon, Iran will have one the next day with a simple stroke of a pen by filling out a check. As President Trump is preparing to be in Jerusalem this month, the same month that Israel celebrates “Jerusalem Day”, talks are happening of a potential move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Since this is a Jubilee Year, this would surely be a Jubilee Year event. At the same time, the potential of war is rising and bubbling all around the world. To highlight how urgent the reality of a possible war with North Korea is, Pastor Greg Laurie, not known to speak about such topics of the End Times, recently posted his thoughts of this issue on his Facebook page.
“As you know, this conflict with this rogue nation has escalated dramatically in recent days and even hours.”As we see multiple threats that Kim Jong-Un, North Korea’s leader, is expressing, we can see how volatile this situation is. Pastor Laurie begins to talk about the concerns of America not being present in the last days “because we’ve been in some kind of a nuclear conflict.” But, he addresses what we need to do in this hour. “We need to pray for our president right now, and please, don’t tell me ‘well he’s not my president. I didn’t vote for him.’ He’s the president of the United States. Pray for him.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 even highlights how we must do this.
As Pastor Laurie recently had the opportunity of being invited to the White House for the National Day of Prayer, he is also gathering with other leaders to continue to pray with the President. He points out what we, as Christians, need to be focusing our prayers on in this vital hour. “We need to be focusing on prayer and on preaching. In fact, this verse really spells it out. I already read that we’re to pray for our president, but then it goes on to say for God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Then it goes on to say for there’s one God, and one mediator between God and man, and its’s a man Christ Jesus who gave Himself as a ransom for all.” This is the message that all of the world needs to hear in this hour, and during every hour; Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died for the sins of all mankind.
Join with Pastor Laurieand Christians all throughout the nation that are praying for our president, as well as wisdom that is needed for how to respond in this moment in history. See the full statements from Greg Laurie as well as the potential reach that North Korea has with the capabilities of a nuclear weapon, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Obama Administration, nuclear war, Washington D.C., Jerusalem, Israel, and Radical Islam. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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