Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Angels, God’s Enforcers – Part 1

Angels are ministering spirits sent out to serve those who have inherited salvation. Scripture reminds us that God's people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is crucial to gain knowledge and understanding about angels in this enlightening teaching, which is the first part of a series. You will begin to grasp the significance of angels, their role, and how they serve as God's enforcers. To truly comprehend angels and their purpose, it is essential to first understand the profound impact of what Jesus accomplished and the possibilities He made available to everyone who has made Him the Lord of their lives. As you delve into this teaching, expect to be enlightened, encouraged, and inspired. However, be prepared to be shaken by both the benefits of angels and the consequences associated with their presence. This message marks the beginning of a series in which we explore the fascinating realm of these created beings known as angels.
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Angels are ministering spirits sent out to serve those who have inherited salvation. Scripture reminds us that God's people are destroyed due to a lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is crucial to gain knowledge and understanding about angels in this enlightening teaching, which is the first part of a series. You will begin to grasp the significance of angels, their role, and how they serve as God's enforcers. To truly comprehend angels and their purpose, it is essential to first understand the profound impact of what Jesus accomplished and the possibilities He made available to everyone who has made Him the Lord of their lives. As you delve into this teaching, expect to be enlightened, encouraged, and inspired. However, be prepared to be shaken by both the benefits of angels and the consequences associated with their presence. This message marks the beginning of a series in which we explore the fascinating realm of these created beings known as angels.
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