Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

God’s Perspective of the Poor – Are Americans “the Kings of the World?”

I heard today on the news a Cuban businessman describing Americans as being “the kings of the world.”  This message will explore that very notion as we consider God’s perspective of the poor and how He expects us to relate to them.  You’ll discover that more than half of the world’s population, 3.5+ Billion People, live on less than $2.50 a day, while America and Americans are the wealthiest nations and people in the world.  We’ll discover how the Lord will look at our lives based on how we responded to the needs of those who are poor.  This message will put your life, the lives of others and eternal life into perspective as we learn that our eternal home will be determined by this very reality by the words spoken by Jesus Himself.  This is a must watch while there is still time to be the Light the Lord has called us to be to all and especially the poor. How we treat the less fortunate reveals who we are as a person, but also in Christ Jesus.
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I heard today on the news a Cuban businessman describing Americans as being “the kings of the world.”  This message will explore that very notion as we consider God’s perspective of the poor and how He expects us to relate to them.  You’ll discover that more than half of the world’s population, 3.5+ Billion People, live on less than $2.50 a day, while America and Americans are the wealthiest nations and people in the world.  We’ll discover how the Lord will look at our lives based on how we responded to the needs of those who are poor.  This message will put your life, the lives of others and eternal life into perspective as we learn that our eternal home will be determined by this very reality by the words spoken by Jesus Himself.  This is a must watch while there is still time to be the Light the Lord has called us to be to all and especially the poor. How we treat the less fortunate reveals who we are as a person, but also in Christ Jesus.
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