Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Keep Up Your Courage in the Storms of Life – Have faith in the plans God spoke or showed you He had for you

There can be nothing more discouraging, frustrating, or confusing than the storms and troubles that occur in our lives that contradict our destiny which the Lord has spoken over us through His Word: written, prophetic words, vision or dreams. It is at these moments we are faced with IN WHOM do we believe? Do we believe the trouble, the threats of the storms to destroy, or do we believe the word of the Lord. In this teaching, we can peek back in time when we saw the disciples in a storm on the water and Peter was able to walk on the water, as long as he believed, had faith in, Jesus and not the storm. We also see Paul, though a prisoner on a boat, was the only one who would keep all who were on board that ship alive, not because of the strength of the boat, but because of His faith in the words of God, the plan of God for his life. Finally, we’ll learn how the Lord freed us from the false sense of responsibility many times we fall prey too, thinking it’s our job to be worried or concerned about the ramifications of storms and troubles, but also the false concern feeling like we’d be betraying ourselves, others and the Lord if we actually kept a positive, cheerful, and confident attitude during the storm, or in the trouble. You’ll learn that couldn’t be further from the truth on what the Lord says about taking Courage and being Cheerful in the middle of the storm.
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There can be nothing more discouraging, frustrating, or confusing than the storms and troubles that occur in our lives that contradict our destiny which the Lord has spoken over us through His Word: written, prophetic words, vision or dreams. It is at these moments we are faced with IN WHOM do we believe? Do we believe the trouble, the threats of the storms to destroy, or do we believe the word of the Lord. In this teaching, we can peek back in time when we saw the disciples in a storm on the water and Peter was able to walk on the water, as long as he believed, had faith in, Jesus and not the storm. We also see Paul, though a prisoner on a boat, was the only one who would keep all who were on board that ship alive, not because of the strength of the boat, but because of His faith in the words of God, the plan of God for his life. Finally, we’ll learn how the Lord freed us from the false sense of responsibility many times we fall prey too, thinking it’s our job to be worried or concerned about the ramifications of storms and troubles, but also the false concern feeling like we’d be betraying ourselves, others and the Lord if we actually kept a positive, cheerful, and confident attitude during the storm, or in the trouble. You’ll learn that couldn’t be further from the truth on what the Lord says about taking Courage and being Cheerful in the middle of the storm.
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