Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Is Jesus in Your Corner? Or Are You Fighting Life’s Battles Alone?

Could you imagine being placed into a boxing ring and not even knowing you were about to fight?  How about being in the ring alone with no one in your corner?  This life is filled with many fights.  Maybe it’s a personal struggle, a fight to save a family member from disaster, or a fight for your health.  In this life, we’ll have fights. There is nothing more lonely, more isolating, and more hopeless than to be in such fights with no one in your corner.  But there is nothing more loving and encouraging than to have someone who is not only in your corner during the good times but also in the midst of some of your greatest fights.  In this message, you’ll discover how Jesus is in your corner encouraging you and giving you sight and wisdom or is He waiting for you to invite Him to join you from your corner?   Don’t fight any more life battles alone. You were not designed by God to be alone in this fight!
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Could you imagine being placed into a boxing ring and not even knowing you were about to fight?  How about being in the ring alone with no one in your corner?  This life is filled with many fights.  Maybe it’s a personal struggle, a fight to save a family member from disaster, or a fight for your health.  In this life, we’ll have fights. There is nothing more lonely, more isolating, and more hopeless than to be in such fights with no one in your corner.  But there is nothing more loving and encouraging than to have someone who is not only in your corner during the good times but also in the midst of some of your greatest fights.  In this message, you’ll discover how Jesus is in your corner encouraging you and giving you sight and wisdom or is He waiting for you to invite Him to join you from your corner?   Don’t fight any more life battles alone. You were not designed by God to be alone in this fight!
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