Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The Birth of The Bread of Life, Christmas God’s Plans Will Prevail in Your Life

Our lives from the time we are born to our last breath here on earth are filled with many ups and downs. Some ups are so high we think we’ll always be at that high place and some downs so low we feel we may never come out of those depths. Often, we fall prey to the feeling like others, those in power, or not in power, evil minded, God hating leaders will be able to prevent God’s plan from coming to pass in our life. Many times, we mix up our plans, our will, for God’s plans, God’s will. In this message about the amazing journey to the birth of God’s Son, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ, in Bethlehem, which was planned before the foundations of the earth were laid, could not be stopped. We’ll learn that no one can stop the will of God, the plans of God coming to pass in our life, but us. We’ll learn how it is important to remain faithful to God, trusting Him, that He will work all things out for our good, as He unfolds His will in our life. We’ll discover, in this message, God will even use those who hate Him, His people, and hate you, to fulfill His will, just like He said He would. There was nothing that could stop our Father God, from serving us The Bread of Life, Jesus, His Son, in the House of Bread, Bethlehem!
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Our lives from the time we are born to our last breath here on earth are filled with many ups and downs. Some ups are so high we think we’ll always be at that high place and some downs so low we feel we may never come out of those depths. Often, we fall prey to the feeling like others, those in power, or not in power, evil minded, God hating leaders will be able to prevent God’s plan from coming to pass in our life. Many times, we mix up our plans, our will, for God’s plans, God’s will. In this message about the amazing journey to the birth of God’s Son, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ, in Bethlehem, which was planned before the foundations of the earth were laid, could not be stopped. We’ll learn that no one can stop the will of God, the plans of God coming to pass in our life, but us. We’ll learn how it is important to remain faithful to God, trusting Him, that He will work all things out for our good, as He unfolds His will in our life. We’ll discover, in this message, God will even use those who hate Him, His people, and hate you, to fulfill His will, just like He said He would. There was nothing that could stop our Father God, from serving us The Bread of Life, Jesus, His Son, in the House of Bread, Bethlehem!
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