Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

I Want to Know Him and Be Known by Him

In a culture where someone claims to personally know over a thousand people because they are some how connected through social media, the truth shouts out to all that are truly paying attention, “You don’t really know them, and they don’t really know you.”  That is not that important in the scheme of our life’s journey, but when it comes to claiming we know the Lord and He knows, it is eternally important.   Paul, who encountered Jesus on the Damascus Road in the blinding light of His glory said, after this “Oh, that I might know Him in the fellowship of His suffering.’  Jesus spoke of not knowing those who performed ministry, work of miracles, prophecy, the casting out of demons. Everything we created by Jesus and for Jesus and so that in everything He might be the head, the image of the invisible God.  He created it for us, so that we, with Him will rule and reign together.  For this to take place, we have to know Him and He us.  Life has gotten busier and busier, intimate relationships have gotten fewer and fewer. If we’re not careful we can define the Lord and His expectations of us with the culture that we’re living in today.  God is unchanging.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  God created you for relationship with Him.  He wants you to know Him and love Him and He wants to know you and He does love you.   One would think, ‘He is God, of course He knows me.’  Or ‘Look at the ministry work I am doing for Him in His name, of course He knows me, and I know Him.’  Yet, the words of Jesus placed all those assumptions in a dark, isolated place.  In this message join us as we seek to know the Lord and seek for Him to know us.  Oh, that we might know Him in the fellowship of His suffering, to be like Him and somehow obtain the resurrection from the dead.
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In a culture where someone claims to personally know over a thousand people because they are some how connected through social media, the truth shouts out to all that are truly paying attention, “You don’t really know them, and they don’t really know you.”  That is not that important in the scheme of our life’s journey, but when it comes to claiming we know the Lord and He knows, it is eternally important.   Paul, who encountered Jesus on the Damascus Road in the blinding light of His glory said, after this “Oh, that I might know Him in the fellowship of His suffering.’  Jesus spoke of not knowing those who performed ministry, work of miracles, prophecy, the casting out of demons. Everything we created by Jesus and for Jesus and so that in everything He might be the head, the image of the invisible God.  He created it for us, so that we, with Him will rule and reign together.  For this to take place, we have to know Him and He us.  Life has gotten busier and busier, intimate relationships have gotten fewer and fewer. If we’re not careful we can define the Lord and His expectations of us with the culture that we’re living in today.  God is unchanging.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  God created you for relationship with Him.  He wants you to know Him and love Him and He wants to know you and He does love you.   One would think, ‘He is God, of course He knows me.’  Or ‘Look at the ministry work I am doing for Him in His name, of course He knows me, and I know Him.’  Yet, the words of Jesus placed all those assumptions in a dark, isolated place.  In this message join us as we seek to know the Lord and seek for Him to know us.  Oh, that we might know Him in the fellowship of His suffering, to be like Him and somehow obtain the resurrection from the dead.
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