Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same


So many times, in our life, we are tempted to think things have gotten so messed up, so contentious, so seemingly hopeless that God cannot turn it around.  In this message, you will discover that our God’s specialty is taking what we or others sometimes make a mess of and turns it around.  Have you had something in your life that seemed to start well, but now your reality makes you feel what you first believed is long gone?  Did you start out thinking you knew how things were going to go, but now you only see contention, deception, and constant competition in your marriage, family, church, business, or nation?   Has your marriage been a constant form of pain and suffering?  Have you seen your own family members fighting, trying to outdo each other, and even crediting God for their believed victories over a family member?  Do not feel defeated, feel hopeful.  This message is going to turn you around when you find out that this is exactly the family God uses to change the world and even permanently make a statement in the world to come.
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So many times, in our life, we are tempted to think things have gotten so messed up, so contentious, so seemingly hopeless that God cannot turn it around.  In this message, you will discover that our God’s specialty is taking what we or others sometimes make a mess of and turns it around.  Have you had something in your life that seemed to start well, but now your reality makes you feel what you first believed is long gone?  Did you start out thinking you knew how things were going to go, but now you only see contention, deception, and constant competition in your marriage, family, church, business, or nation?   Has your marriage been a constant form of pain and suffering?  Have you seen your own family members fighting, trying to outdo each other, and even crediting God for their believed victories over a family member?  Do not feel defeated, feel hopeful.  This message is going to turn you around when you find out that this is exactly the family God uses to change the world and even permanently make a statement in the world to come.
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