Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Breaking the Bread of My Soul

Bill Johnson, founder, and senior pastor of Bethel, gracefully came to speak from his heart the same week his lovely wife, Beni, passed from this life to be with the Lord.  He, along with his church, many around the world, and including ourselves sought the Lord for her healing, yet this is the moment God allowed.   When so many of us would have stepped aside, or asked someone to speak for us, Bill Johnson shows us that it is moments like this, when the bread of our soul is broken under so much loss and pain, we can give our greatest offering to the Lord.   A broken heart and a contrite spirit the Lord will never turn away from.  When we get to heaven, where Beni Johnson is at this moment, there will be no more pain, sickness, brokenness, or death.  It is only in this life when we experience such deep pain like this can we offer our love to the Lord which is a fragrant offering like none other.
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Bill Johnson, founder, and senior pastor of Bethel, gracefully came to speak from his heart the same week his lovely wife, Beni, passed from this life to be with the Lord.  He, along with his church, many around the world, and including ourselves sought the Lord for her healing, yet this is the moment God allowed.   When so many of us would have stepped aside, or asked someone to speak for us, Bill Johnson shows us that it is moments like this, when the bread of our soul is broken under so much loss and pain, we can give our greatest offering to the Lord.   A broken heart and a contrite spirit the Lord will never turn away from.  When we get to heaven, where Beni Johnson is at this moment, there will be no more pain, sickness, brokenness, or death.  It is only in this life when we experience such deep pain like this can we offer our love to the Lord which is a fragrant offering like none other.
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