Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Standing with Israel Standing with Jesus

In this timely word, Misty Edwards discusses the topic that is at the forefront of many around the world: Israel. Crowds have amassed together, and demonstrations have been formed demanding that Israel bring about a cease-fire as Israel has been forced to defend themselves against the horrifying attack of Palestinians at their Southern Border on October 7, 2023. Over a thousand Israelis lost their lives in this attack, and there are hundreds more that were taken hostage into the Gaza Strip. In response, Israel has launched a relentless counterattack. Many are crying foul against Israel for their actions, while some are standing in defense of Israel. As the Church, how we stand in support and solidarity with Israel in this crucial hour, is how we stand in support and solidarity with Jesus. Just as Jesus desired for His disciples to stand with Him in His hours of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane moments before He was betrayed, Jesus desires for us to stand with Him in this hour. There is a cost to stand up for Israel, to stand up for Jesus and be bold. Jesus said in John 15: 18-20, <strong><em>“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” </em></strong>Regardless of what the world does in retaliation to those who stand with Israel, we cannot say that we are following Jesus and not defend Israel. Will you stand with Israel? Will you stand with Jesus?
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In this timely word, Misty Edwards discusses the topic that is at the forefront of many around the world: Israel. Crowds have amassed together, and demonstrations have been formed demanding that Israel bring about a cease-fire as Israel has been forced to defend themselves against the horrifying attack of Palestinians at their Southern Border on October 7, 2023. Over a thousand Israelis lost their lives in this attack, and there are hundreds more that were taken hostage into the Gaza Strip. In response, Israel has launched a relentless counterattack. Many are crying foul against Israel for their actions, while some are standing in defense of Israel. As the Church, how we stand in support and solidarity with Israel in this crucial hour, is how we stand in support and solidarity with Jesus. Just as Jesus desired for His disciples to stand with Him in His hours of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane moments before He was betrayed, Jesus desires for us to stand with Him in this hour. There is a cost to stand up for Israel, to stand up for Jesus and be bold. Jesus said in John 15: 18-20, <strong><em>“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” </em></strong>Regardless of what the world does in retaliation to those who stand with Israel, we cannot say that we are following Jesus and not defend Israel. Will you stand with Israel? Will you stand with Jesus?
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