Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Hope is a desire of obtaining that which you desire.  How could God move forward with His creation when He has seen so much rebellion against Him? At one point He had to destroy all on the planet with a flood and start over again. How could mankind move forward in knowing His fallen state and tendency to sin, no matter how good his or her plans are to do what is right?  How could God allow His Son to be born of a woman to live such a difficult life that led Jesus to crying out for His life to God?  How could God move forward with a hope to redeem mankind after healing the sick, delivering the bound and raising the dead, leading only to them shouting out “crucify Him”?  It was because Sunday was coming!  God prepared Sunday before the foundations of the earth was laid.  God foreknew despite man’s inability to keep His law that Sunday was coming.  He knew that His gift, His Son, would pay the required price for the sins of the world, so that He could be in right relationship with Him, after Sunday morning. Learn or remember what God did on Sunday so that you too can have that hope of salvation and eternal life through Jesus’ finish worked on the cross.  To understand Sunday, is to have hope!
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Hope is a desire of obtaining that which you desire.  How could God move forward with His creation when He has seen so much rebellion against Him? At one point He had to destroy all on the planet with a flood and start over again. How could mankind move forward in knowing His fallen state and tendency to sin, no matter how good his or her plans are to do what is right?  How could God allow His Son to be born of a woman to live such a difficult life that led Jesus to crying out for His life to God?  How could God move forward with a hope to redeem mankind after healing the sick, delivering the bound and raising the dead, leading only to them shouting out “crucify Him”?  It was because Sunday was coming!  God prepared Sunday before the foundations of the earth was laid.  God foreknew despite man’s inability to keep His law that Sunday was coming.  He knew that His gift, His Son, would pay the required price for the sins of the world, so that He could be in right relationship with Him, after Sunday morning. Learn or remember what God did on Sunday so that you too can have that hope of salvation and eternal life through Jesus’ finish worked on the cross.  To understand Sunday, is to have hope!
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