Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

“If I Am Your Father, Where is My Honor?” Honor the Atmosphere of Revival

There is something about today’s culture, or a declining culture, that has one thing in common with all other declining cultures, that’s dishonor.  There is nothing more beautiful even to the undiscerning eye and unbelieving heart than honor.  It just does something to our spirits when we see it or experience it.  For that is how God created us, which is to be people of honor.  God is such a God of honor that He honors Jesus His Son. Jesus and the Father honors the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit honors the Father and the Son. They honor us by making a way where we can be forgiven and live with them for eternity.  Honor is so important that if we fail to do it as children, we’re told our life will be difficult and short.  It’s so important that the Holy Spirit will withdraw from an atmosphere of dishonor.  When there is an atmosphere of honor we can be rest assured we’re going to see the fullness of God. Then we’ve made ourselves ready for revival personally and corporately.
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There is something about today’s culture, or a declining culture, that has one thing in common with all other declining cultures, that’s dishonor.  There is nothing more beautiful even to the undiscerning eye and unbelieving heart than honor.  It just does something to our spirits when we see it or experience it.  For that is how God created us, which is to be people of honor.  God is such a God of honor that He honors Jesus His Son. Jesus and the Father honors the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit honors the Father and the Son. They honor us by making a way where we can be forgiven and live with them for eternity.  Honor is so important that if we fail to do it as children, we’re told our life will be difficult and short.  It’s so important that the Holy Spirit will withdraw from an atmosphere of dishonor.  When there is an atmosphere of honor we can be rest assured we’re going to see the fullness of God. Then we’ve made ourselves ready for revival personally and corporately.
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