Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

It’s Not Good to Be Alone

Did you know that one of the first things God created was relationships? God formed Adam out of the dust. God looked upon man and said, “It is not good for the man to be alone”, and He created someone to be with him, Eve. Family is not a concept of the world, it was created by God. Find out in this message how Greg Lancaster had an angelic visitation when the Lord revealed how important it is for the church, those who are followers of Jesus Christ, to be walking in relationship one with another.  Family is not just a biological reality, it is a spiritual reality which God desired from the time of the Garden of Eden. In this message, you will be deeply stirred and encouraged when you begin to see relationships as God sees relationships, and not like the world sees them. In our generation and culture, we are inundated and surrounded by “social” apps and “social” technology. Yet, the more “socially” involved we are with these apps, the less “social” we become in authentic relationships with those around us.  Don’t miss out on God’s plan for your life, which is not to be alone, but in family; His family.
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Did you know that one of the first things God created was relationships? God formed Adam out of the dust. God looked upon man and said, “It is not good for the man to be alone”, and He created someone to be with him, Eve. Family is not a concept of the world, it was created by God. Find out in this message how Greg Lancaster had an angelic visitation when the Lord revealed how important it is for the church, those who are followers of Jesus Christ, to be walking in relationship one with another.  Family is not just a biological reality, it is a spiritual reality which God desired from the time of the Garden of Eden. In this message, you will be deeply stirred and encouraged when you begin to see relationships as God sees relationships, and not like the world sees them. In our generation and culture, we are inundated and surrounded by “social” apps and “social” technology. Yet, the more “socially” involved we are with these apps, the less “social” we become in authentic relationships with those around us.  Don’t miss out on God’s plan for your life, which is not to be alone, but in family; His family.
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