Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Soul Rest – I will give Rest to Your Soul

God desires to give you rest; rest to your soul. Quite often we can misunderstand the Lord and think that He is not aware of our lives and the struggles that we face. We may think He cares about this certain thing, but not the other. There is much work and labor in life that we all do as we live our lives whether it is going to our jobs each week working for someone else to get an income to take care of our family needs or running our own business and doing the same. In addition to that we have our families, ourselves, our homes, health and daily needs. It can become overwhelming at times. Do you know that God not only cares, but knows what you are going through? That He is aware that life’s demands on us are difficult at times? Well He does. He even tells us what we need to do to make sure we can rest, even during the difficulties of life. You’ll learn about them in this message including what is rest and what is not rest; and what is soul rest. Finally, you’ll learn what God says will happen to us and the dangers, if we do not learn how to rest, His way.
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God desires to give you rest; rest to your soul. Quite often we can misunderstand the Lord and think that He is not aware of our lives and the struggles that we face. We may think He cares about this certain thing, but not the other. There is much work and labor in life that we all do as we live our lives whether it is going to our jobs each week working for someone else to get an income to take care of our family needs or running our own business and doing the same. In addition to that we have our families, ourselves, our homes, health and daily needs. It can become overwhelming at times. Do you know that God not only cares, but knows what you are going through? That He is aware that life’s demands on us are difficult at times? Well He does. He even tells us what we need to do to make sure we can rest, even during the difficulties of life. You’ll learn about them in this message including what is rest and what is not rest; and what is soul rest. Finally, you’ll learn what God says will happen to us and the dangers, if we do not learn how to rest, His way.
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