Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Speaking and Believing Yourself into Your Destiny

We serve a God Who calls things that are not, as though they were, then they become and He has created us, mankind, in His image and likeness.  When God speaks over our lives, we can hold onto those words, speak them out and hold on knowing that they will come to pass, just as God said they would.  It’s easy to speak and agree with what you can see, but when it comes to what we can’t see, that is where faith kicks in, “Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1 Though we’re not perfect, God’s Word is perfect and we can trust and have faith in His Word no matter our struggle on the journey as we see struggles that took place in Abraham’s life; the father of faith.  You’ll be challenged as we remember, God does miracles among us not because we obey some law or are perfect but because we believe His Word.
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We serve a God Who calls things that are not, as though they were, then they become and He has created us, mankind, in His image and likeness.  When God speaks over our lives, we can hold onto those words, speak them out and hold on knowing that they will come to pass, just as God said they would.  It’s easy to speak and agree with what you can see, but when it comes to what we can’t see, that is where faith kicks in, “Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1 Though we’re not perfect, God’s Word is perfect and we can trust and have faith in His Word no matter our struggle on the journey as we see struggles that took place in Abraham’s life; the father of faith.  You’ll be challenged as we remember, God does miracles among us not because we obey some law or are perfect but because we believe His Word.
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