Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Open Doors of Opportunities

Have you been looking for a great opportunity?  Does it seem like Great Opportunities just happen to other people?  In this message, you will get an in-depth look at what it’s like when a great door of opportunity is open to you. These things will be discussed in this message concerning opportunities:  Opportunities come with persecution; You can either serve God or things; being a coward is not a survival plan; A nation can be judged by God, while God’s church is in that nation; God spoke to me in three dreams about the 2020 Presidential Election; Preparing for Opportunity, and pursuing opportunities despite opposition.
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Have you been looking for a great opportunity?  Does it seem like Great Opportunities just happen to other people?  In this message, you will get an in-depth look at what it’s like when a great door of opportunity is open to you. These things will be discussed in this message concerning opportunities:  Opportunities come with persecution; You can either serve God or things; being a coward is not a survival plan; A nation can be judged by God, while God’s church is in that nation; God spoke to me in three dreams about the 2020 Presidential Election; Preparing for Opportunity, and pursuing opportunities despite opposition.
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