Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Tidal Waves, The Coming Move of God! Caution: Surges and Undertows – Part 1 of 2

God has taken me in the future and walked me through some awesome things He plans to do.  I will share them in these messages. The future is awesome and filled with nations coming to God, His Glory, and angels gathering those to work in His Glory to serve Him and others.  God is going to be blowing His whistle to call in the great harvest.  In this harvest, people will be running to Him so aggressively nothing will hold them back.  The future is awesome!!  Regarding this prophetic word that a tidal wave of God’s Glory is coming many have “their idea” of what that means.  Tidal waves no matter what brings great disruption and destruction.  Does this mean there will be destruction?  Does this mean there will be a release of God’s Glory?  Yes!  We’ll look at how God uses proverbial tidal waves that shake nations to their core to achieve His goal of freeing mankind from their gods, idols, and mindsets that have their freewill consumed with serving themselves, all to bring them to a place where they have the opportunity to meet God and experience His love, Glory and Great Salvation.  We’ll learn how when God speaks to us about our future, the difficult journey it will take to get there will be survived by holding on to our future in God, not allowing the difficulty of God’s method of deliverance to cause us to not believe of this awesome future God has in store.
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God has taken me in the future and walked me through some awesome things He plans to do.  I will share them in these messages. The future is awesome and filled with nations coming to God, His Glory, and angels gathering those to work in His Glory to serve Him and others.  God is going to be blowing His whistle to call in the great harvest.  In this harvest, people will be running to Him so aggressively nothing will hold them back.  The future is awesome!!  Regarding this prophetic word that a tidal wave of God’s Glory is coming many have “their idea” of what that means.  Tidal waves no matter what brings great disruption and destruction.  Does this mean there will be destruction?  Does this mean there will be a release of God’s Glory?  Yes!  We’ll look at how God uses proverbial tidal waves that shake nations to their core to achieve His goal of freeing mankind from their gods, idols, and mindsets that have their freewill consumed with serving themselves, all to bring them to a place where they have the opportunity to meet God and experience His love, Glory and Great Salvation.  We’ll learn how when God speaks to us about our future, the difficult journey it will take to get there will be survived by holding on to our future in God, not allowing the difficulty of God’s method of deliverance to cause us to not believe of this awesome future God has in store.
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