Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

WISE MEN! Wisdom is Spelled J-E-S-U-S! – Part 1

Wouldn’t it be awesome to know that you married someone who would be your everything?  I mean really, your everything.  That they know exactly how things work and shared with you every step of the way, the best way to approach all things?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful?  No man or woman can be that for you, but Jesus can!  Did you know that Jesus is the Bridegroom, and the Church is the Bride?  That He loves us, His bride, so much that He laid down His life for her?  Not only that, but He also lets us know, we don’t have to know everything, we just need to KNOW HIM.  He tells us, as a husband would tell his wife, “I got this, follow me.”  Jesus tells us in His Word, ‘I got this, follow Me.”  I’m excited just writing about the hope that you are going to receive when you learn from this message how Jesus said to build your life with Him in such a way that no matter what comes, rain, floods, wind, and trials, He will keep us.  For Jesus is The Rock, our firm foundation who we can trust through life’s many ups, downs, gains, losses, troubles, and tribulations.  All we have to do is hold His hand through it all; abide.  iAbide.org
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Wouldn’t it be awesome to know that you married someone who would be your everything?  I mean really, your everything.  That they know exactly how things work and shared with you every step of the way, the best way to approach all things?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful?  No man or woman can be that for you, but Jesus can!  Did you know that Jesus is the Bridegroom, and the Church is the Bride?  That He loves us, His bride, so much that He laid down His life for her?  Not only that, but He also lets us know, we don’t have to know everything, we just need to KNOW HIM.  He tells us, as a husband would tell his wife, “I got this, follow me.”  Jesus tells us in His Word, ‘I got this, follow Me.”  I’m excited just writing about the hope that you are going to receive when you learn from this message how Jesus said to build your life with Him in such a way that no matter what comes, rain, floods, wind, and trials, He will keep us.  For Jesus is The Rock, our firm foundation who we can trust through life’s many ups, downs, gains, losses, troubles, and tribulations.  All we have to do is hold His hand through it all; abide.  iAbide.org
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