Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

It’s Not Over! Choose Life!

Are you or someone you know facing a difficult time in life, such as job loss, business failure, family crisis, or other personal struggles that have left you feeling hopeless and even despairing of life itself? You are not alone. Many individuals have found themselves at this very point, questioning the meaning of their existence and the path ahead. But there is hope and encouragement for you. It's normal to experience a moment of crisis in life, especially when everything we've relied upon has crumbled around us, and the darkness seems all-consuming. This darkness can be so overwhelming that without intervention, it may even lead to thoughts of ending one's life on earth. This story of a former corrections officer who found himself in this very situation is one of hope and inspiration. In this message, you'll discover how his life and means of income came crashing down, leading him to the brink of suicide. But through his journey, you'll learn what stopped him and how his life and his family's life transformed in an instant. Remember, you're not alone. This message is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is hope for a better tomorrow.
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Are you or someone you know facing a difficult time in life, such as job loss, business failure, family crisis, or other personal struggles that have left you feeling hopeless and even despairing of life itself? You are not alone. Many individuals have found themselves at this very point, questioning the meaning of their existence and the path ahead. But there is hope and encouragement for you. It's normal to experience a moment of crisis in life, especially when everything we've relied upon has crumbled around us, and the darkness seems all-consuming. This darkness can be so overwhelming that without intervention, it may even lead to thoughts of ending one's life on earth. This story of a former corrections officer who found himself in this very situation is one of hope and inspiration. In this message, you'll discover how his life and means of income came crashing down, leading him to the brink of suicide. But through his journey, you'll learn what stopped him and how his life and his family's life transformed in an instant. Remember, you're not alone. This message is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is hope for a better tomorrow.
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