Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Dynamics of Shepherds and Sheep, Holy Spirit Shepherd (Part 3)

In this message, we begin to explore how Jesus, our Great Shepherd, sent the Holy Spirit to shepherd His Church before the establishment of the gifts of apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist within the church. Although the Holy Spirit is detailed in 'The Promise' series, we start to share how the Lord communicates with His people and leaders in His Church, guiding His church through His Spirit and under-shepherds. You will hear firsthand how God speaks directly to one of His church leaders about the condition of His Church and His flock, offering wisdom on how to respond, whether as a leader or a member of a church family under a shepherd called by God. You'll discover how, though God may be highlighting serious sin in someone's life, His purpose isn't to write the person off but to offer them a chance to repent, turn back to Him, and do what is right. Finally, we'll understand Jesus' heart as the Shepherd for a world filled with people who are harassed and helpless, His desire for them, and how He calls us, His followers, to play a key role in rescuing them from such an existence.
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In this message, we begin to explore how Jesus, our Great Shepherd, sent the Holy Spirit to shepherd His Church before the establishment of the gifts of apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist within the church. Although the Holy Spirit is detailed in 'The Promise' series, we start to share how the Lord communicates with His people and leaders in His Church, guiding His church through His Spirit and under-shepherds. You will hear firsthand how God speaks directly to one of His church leaders about the condition of His Church and His flock, offering wisdom on how to respond, whether as a leader or a member of a church family under a shepherd called by God. You'll discover how, though God may be highlighting serious sin in someone's life, His purpose isn't to write the person off but to offer them a chance to repent, turn back to Him, and do what is right. Finally, we'll understand Jesus' heart as the Shepherd for a world filled with people who are harassed and helpless, His desire for them, and how He calls us, His followers, to play a key role in rescuing them from such an existence.
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