Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same


‘Victory begins with the name of Jesus on our lips, but it will not be consummated until the nature of Jesus is in our hearts.’  Francis Frangipane 


‘To topple Satan’s empire, we must be transformed into Christlikeness. This means embodying the character and nature of Christ. The church that successfully wars against Jezebel will be a church that inherits the glorious Morning Star, which will be the visible outward glory, a symbol of hidden inward purity. 


It will be a church that exercises authority over the nations uniquely because it has conquered Jezebel. The Jezebel spirit, which sought to strip God’s servants of authority in the church, operates in seduced authority. It will be a church in which the gift of healing is an integral part of its ministry.  

There is a great prize in winning the war against Jezebel. Although every victory is initiated by prayer, the rewards of God will not be attained only through intercession. Victory begins with the name of Jesus on our lips, but it will not be consummated until the nature of Jesus is in our hearts.’  Francis Frangipane 



Welcome to the Zero Tolerance series, where we delve into crucial teachings that equip you to navigate the spiritual battles of life again the Jezebel spirit/principality with strength and wisdom. Here’s what you will learn in this teaching series: 


The Lord’s Prayer and Deliverance 

We explore the significance of The Lord’s Prayer, focusing on the plea to be delivered from the evil one. We learn that while God does not wish to remove us from the world, He promises to protect us from the evil within it. This protection is crucial as we live in the world without being of it. 


The Importance of Discipleship 

Discover the importance of being a disciple, which involves learning and obeying Jesus’ teachings. We discuss the dangers of an undisciplined life, which leaves us vulnerable to demonic influences. Understanding how to keep our spiritual “houses” filled and protected is key to preventing demonic access, and yes, that it can be seven times worse demonic access if we do not protect ourselves.  


The Jezebel Spirit Principality 

This section examines the Jezebel principality, a religious spirit masquerading as an angel of light. We learn how this spirit can lead believers astray and the consequences of following its deceptive teachings. Recognizing and repenting from Jezebel’s influence is essential to avoid suffering and bondage. 


False Gods and True Allegiance 

Here, we identify Jezebel’s false gods such as Baal, Dagon, Moloch, and Asherah, and understand that obeying these false demonic entities is equivalent to serving them. We emphasize the importance of acknowledging God as the only true God and refusing to give glory to any false gods. 


The Function of the Jezebel Spirit  

This section provides an in-depth look at how the Jezebel spirit operates within the context of what God establishes. We learn what, why, and how this demonic force functions, recognizing its presence and influence in our lives and society. 


The Spirit of Ahab 

We learn how to understand the role of the Ahab spirit, which empowers Jezebel. We learn to recognize and avoid the characteristics of Ahab, emphasizing the necessity of adhering to God’s ways to dismantle Jezebel’s influence.  We learn that the Jezebel spirit cannot be empowered without the presence of an Ahab spirit in those with true authority who are willing to relinquish their power. 


Practical Steps to Reclaim Authority 

Learn practical steps to reclaim the authority God has entrusted to you, which may have been seduced away by Jezebel’s influence. We discuss actionable ways to take back your spiritual authority and live in the freedom God intends for you. 


Recognizing the Jezebel Spirit in Modern Culture 

Identify the manifestations of the Jezebel spirit in our current culture. Learn how to recognize its fruit and understand the importance of shining the light of God’s Word to expose and overcome this demonic activity. 


Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance 

We focus on how to get free and stay free from the Jezebel spirit. We learn about God’s intended purpose for us to war against and defeat this adversary through spiritual warfare. By taking the authority Jesus has given us, we can defeat all spiritual forces of evil. 


Prayer of Forgiveness and Deliverance 

The series concludes with a powerful prayer of forgiveness and deliverance, starting your journey of transformation. This prayer will help you move from where you were to where God intends you to be, ensuring after receiving this revelation from God’s word, you leave free in Jesus’ name. 


Stay with us through this enlightening and empowering teaching series, which will equip you with the knowledge needed to live a victorious life free from the Jezebel spirit’s web of demonic influences. 


Parts 10 and 11 are bonus messages that provide you with wisdom on how to fight the good fight of faith as we’re called to fight against spiritual forces of evil and how God has called us all to be free. They are a perfect addition to the Zero Tolerance series, as it will require your willingness to fight against the plans of the adversary and to know how you are supposed to fight in such a way to win.  Get Free!  


In the world of spiritual understanding, some elements of warfare can be deeply unseen but deeply felt. John Kilpatrick discusses a particularly challenging entity: the Jezebel spirit, which he links to modern-day verbal warfare and perhaps even greater spiritual confrontations.

Kilpatrick starts by painting a picture of our present world, noting the dominant force of words. “The warfare is with words right now, and you’ve never seen anything like this. The warfare words our country is being run by words by fighting back and forth.” He connects this to the predicted rise of the Jezebel spirit in the last days, a spirit that has profound effects on its victims.


How can you tell if you’re under the influence of this spirit? Kilpatrick lists six telltale signs:

  1. Overwhelm: When the Jezebel spirit is coming against you, everything seems overwhelming, even the simple tasks. The mere act of opening mail or even confronting basic daily responsibilities feels daunting.
  2. Difficulty with Simple Tasks: Undertaking even the simplest of tasks feels impossible. Starting something feels regretful as the belief takes over that it might never get finished.
  3. Heaviness and Hopelessness: The Jezebel spirit fills you with a profound sense of despair. It makes you feel that God has never assisted you in the past and has no plans to help in the future. This, Kilpatrick emphasizes, is a deception.
  4. Feeling Ineffective: Under the grip of this spirit, you feel ineffective in every role you have – as a pastor, a parent, a breadwinner, or even as a Christian.
  5. Desire for Isolation: The affected person wants to remain in bed, sleep, and shut out the world.
  6. Minimized Self-Worth: One starts viewing their ministry and role as laughable, insignificant, and unworthy of notice.


Kilpatrick emphasizes the attack on ministers: “All six of these things right here is exactly how the devil’s fighting preachers today.” He also suggests that such a spiritual onslaught could emanate from a person in the church or someone trying to hex the victim.


Kilpatrick concludes with a poignant prayer, reaching out to all those affected:


Prayer: “Father, every minister, every leader in the Kingdom of God that’s going through an attack of the Jezebel spirit, we call that thing to a halt in Jesus’ Name. Lord, we speak breakthrough and we call that thing to a halt. God let it be. Jesus in Jesus name, you shall not continue to hinder the work of God and the Ministers of God and the work of the ministry. You shall not continue to do it because a greater anointing is on the way to God’s people than we’ve ever known before. Such a great anointing. Breakthrough in Jesus name.”


This message is part of a sermon series focused on spiritual warfare, particularly against the “Jezebel spirit principality,” which is described as a wicked spiritual force aiming to undermine the authority and moral fabric of individuals, families, and communities. This introduction outlines a stark dichotomy between the followers of God and those influenced by Jezebel, asserting that this principality targets both men and women, sowing chaos, confusion, and destruction. Through biblical references and a passionate delivery, it is emphasized as a necessity to  recognize and combat this spiritual threat by adhering strictly to Christian teachings and maintaining a strong spiritual authority in Christ Jesus.  


The message goes further to stress the importance of community and hierarchical spiritual authority in resisting the influences of Jezebel. The speaker warns of the subtlety with which this principality operates, often masquerading as religious fervor while leading believers astray. It calls for vigilance among the faithful to protect their spiritual integrity by staying under the guidance of God’s established authority including God-appointed shepherds. This protective measure is deemed essential for individual and collective spiritual health, with a recurring theme of zero tolerance towards any compromise with evil forces, encapsulated in the reiterated phrase “zero tolerance for Jezebel,” symbolizing a call to action for the church to reclaim its authority and purity. 

This message delves into the pressing need for a zero-tolerance stance against the manipulative Jezebel spirit, a recurrent theme in spiritual warfare discussions. The second installment of this series opens with a vibrant expression of enthusiasm and a recapitulation of foundational biblical teachings that underpin the struggle against such principalities. The session begins with a prayer, invoking divine protection, authority, and boldness, setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of the spiritual dynamics at play. The message anchors around Revelation Chapter 2:18-29, which addresses the influence of the Jezebel spirit on the church in Thyatira, providing a scriptural foundation to underscore the importance of understanding biblical prophecy in the context of spiritual warfare.  This break down of the jezebel spirit using Revelation 2:18-29 will give you foundational insight and a better understanding of this evil spirit that leads Jesus to be against those who tolerate a jezebel spirit.   As the message unfolds, it reveals the subtle yet pervasive tactics of the Jezebel spirit, characterized by deception and manipulation, which echo through various aspects of daily life and historical events. By drawing parallels between foreseeing significant future events and grasping prophetic biblical insights, this message emphasizes reliance on God’s Word as a critical source of truth and guidance. Further examination of Revelation 2:18-29 highlights how the Jezebel spirit’s influence promotes immorality and misleading teachings within the church, urging vigilance and proactive resistance among believers. The message concludes with practical strategies for identifying and combating this destructive spirit in personal and communal religious settings, encouraging individuals to assert their authority in Christ and actively oppose the intrusion of such evil dark spiritual forces. 

The message references 1 Kings Chapter 16 to underscore the historical lessons derived from Ahab and Jezebel’s rule, highlighting their actions as definitive examples of leadership that turned away from God to worship false gods, and idols, which the message correlates with modern spiritual pitfalls. By comparing ancient scriptural accounts to contemporary spiritual challenges, this message aims to equip its audience with the knowledge and urgency to actively resist and reject the Jezebel spirit and its manifold deceptions.  


Central to this message is the identification and denunciation of several specific demonic gods linked to the Jezebel spirit: 


  1. Baal (Bell) – Revered as the primary demonic deity, associated with power, control, and fertility. Often depicted symbolically as a bull, this god thought to represents prosperity and might, seducing followers into idolatry and away from worship of the true God.
  2. Dagon – Introduced as a god of fertility, erotic love, and lust. Linked to ancient myths of death and resurrection, Dagon embodies the lure of forbidden knowledge and practices that contradict divine laws said to travel through “fantasy”. 
  3. Asherah (Astarte or Ashtoreth) – Connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. This goddess’s worship involves rituals that promote strife and discord, representing the moral and spiritual corruption that the Jezebel spirit encourages. 
  4. Moloch – Known for demanding child sacrifice, symbolizing the ultimate depravity of turning away from God to embrace murderous and inhumane practices as we see manifested today through abortion. 

The message warns against the subtle ways these gods infiltrate daily life, urging believers to scrutinize their allegiances—what they worship through their actions, time, and resources. It calls for a return to scriptural fidelity and spiritual purity by rejecting these demonic gods and reaffirming commitment to God.   


It concludes on a call to action for personal repentance and revival, emphasizing prayer, loyalty to Jesus, and spiritual vigilance. 


This message is a continuation of a series on the spiritual principality of Jezebel, the Jezebel spirit. It explores the biblical narrative of King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and the vineyard of Naboth, focusing on the dynamics of spiritual authority and manipulation. The teaching references biblical passages to elucidate how the Jezebel spirit operates through control and subversion, particularly within the context of leadership and spiritual warfare. It emphasizes the necessity of discerning this spirit’s function and clarifies that you will have to take a a proactive stance against dark spiritual influences in lives personally, ministerially, and socially. personal and communal spiritual lives. The message includes prayers, scripture readings, and calls for spiritual vigilance and authority to combat and overcome the adversities posed by the Jezebel spirit.   

This message explores the urgent need for a zero-tolerance stance against the manipulative Jezebel spirit, a key theme in discussions on spiritual warfare. The second installment of this series begins with a vibrant expression of enthusiasm and a recap of foundational biblical teachings that frame the struggle against such principalities. It opens with a prayer for divine protection, authority, and boldness, setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of the spiritual dynamics at play. The discourse centers on Revelation Chapter 2:18-29, which addresses the Jezebel spirit’s influence on the church in Thyatira, providing a scriptural basis to underscore the importance of understanding biblical prophecy in the context of spiritual warfare. The analysis of Revelation 2:18-29 offers foundational insight into the nature of this malevolent spirit and the consequences of tolerating its presence. As the message progresses, it outlines the Jezebel spirit’s subtle yet pervasive tactics of deception and manipulation, evident in various aspects of daily life and historical events. By drawing parallels between significant future events and prophetic biblical insights, it emphasizes the importance of relying on God’s Word for truth and guidance. Further examination of Revelation 2:18-29 illustrates how the Jezebel spirit promotes immorality, warped sexuality, and misleading teachings, urging vigilance and proactive resistance among believers. The message concludes with practical strategies for identifying and combating this destructive spirit in personal and communal religious settings, encouraging individuals to assert their authority in Christ and actively oppose such dark spiritual forces. 


In this message the focus is on understanding and resisting the influence of the spirit of Ahab, as discussed within the context of Christian spiritual warfare. We find out that there is no empowered Jezebel spirit if Ahab honors God and refused to give up their God-given authority.   


The message looks at the life and sin of Ahab as a cautionary example of weak leadership and susceptibility to negative influences, particularly through his interactions with Jezebel. 


The Ahab spirit has some, all, or more of the following attributes: 


Weakness in Authority: Ahab demonstrates a lack of firmness and decisiveness, which allows negative influences to thrive under his rule. 


Manipulability: He is easily manipulated by Jezebel, surrendering his God-given authority and responsibilities, which contributes to poor governance and spiritual decline. 


Depression and Passivity: Ahab exhibits moments of depression and emotional vulnerability, which Jezebel exploits to assert her control over him and his decisions. 


Covetousness: Ahab displays a strong desire for possessions that do not belong to him, as seen in the story of Naboth’s vineyard, which leads to unethical decisions. 


Fantasy: P.M.S. Power, Money, and Sex.  Ahab is controlled by his fantasies about power, money, and sex.  


Flattery: He loves being flattered and flattering others. He can only handle smooth prophetic words that do not challenge or correct him. Jezebel is always present to provide him with another soothing word. 


Lack of Spiritual Integrity: He engages in idolatry and forsakes the worship of God, influenced by his marriage to Jezebel and her gods. 


Fear and Insecurity: His actions are often driven by fear of confrontation and insecurity, leading to ineffective leadership. 


This message is intended to serve as a lesson on the dangers of yielding spiritual authority to others through fear, manipulation, or passivity, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, discernment, and strong spiritual leadership in overcoming or keeping a distance from this demonic Ahab spirit. 

“Baal E-Masculation” delves into the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (A.I.) and the concept of emasculation in men. This message not only explores the notion of emasculation—wherein a man’s power and confidence are diminished—particularly in the context of A.I.’s and the Jezebel spirit’s influence, but also delves into the alarming phenomenon of men voluntarily being castrated, even extending to the point where adults are castrating male children. This disturbing reality is indicative of a broader attack on the seed of men, aimed at preventing the continuance of the human race. The Jezebelic emasculating spirit and promotion are so pervasive, pushed, and interwoven into our schools, media, and society that males are not only undergoing castration willingly but are also celebrating the destruction of their seed. Federal and state governments, parents, teachers, and counselors are actively participating in these actions, and in some cases, the current societal and governmental structures are facilitating and financing this mutilation of the male seed. This grim development is now accelerating rapidly due to A.I.’s infiltration of individuals’ hearts and souls. The message further delves into the startling statistics regarding men’s interactions with artificial intelligence. Shockingly, statistics reveal that a significant percentage of men have established a sexual relationship with A.I., often referred to as “The Image.” Studies indicate that between 70% to 90% of men engage in such relationships, where they consummate these connections through their computers, phones, and mobile devices, essentially having sexual interactions with images that are designed to resemble the humans God created. This trend is not confined to a specific age group; even male teenagers and young adults, ranging from 18 to 34 years old, are embracing these connections, further blurring the boundaries between human intimacy and technological simulation. Moreover, the statistics surrounding the frequency of these interactions are equally unsettling. Approximately 55% of men engage with A.I. in this manner at least once a week, highlighting the growing normalization of such behavior. Astonishingly, around 20% of men dedicate as much as an hour or more every day to engaging in these artificial relationships. This data underlines the extent to which A.I. has infiltrated and impacted human intimacy and relationships. Amidst these unsettling trends, “Baal E-Masculation” encourages individuals to reflect on the profound implications of these realities and their alignment with the broader theme of emasculation. By analyzing the effects of A.I. on men’s self-perception and identity as you watch, the message aims to shed light on a subtle yet significant aspect of the technological revolution. Through this insightful analysis and thought-provoking message you see how the demonic attack on the human race and the seed and soul of men is currently effectively winning and men are losing, unless they wake up and repent, and turn to Jesus as their only Lord and Savior and forsake all other idols, images and false gods. God has His Terms of Service, ToS, as does Baal.  Find out what they are, and just Israel did, choose Who/who you will serve.  Though this was part of a series on The A.I. Dilemma & The Church, it is a standalone message that perfectly awakens us with a timely word about how the Jezebel Spirit has infiltrated every aspect of society, family, and household. 



In this message you’ll be taken on a transformative journey of reclaiming your God-given authority by rejecting the spiritual strongholds of the Jezebel principality and the spirit of Ahab. This powerful message emphasizes the importance of zero tolerance for these spiritual forces, focusing on discerning their foundations and functions, and understanding the dire consequences of tolerating them. Through historical examples from the Bible, the message illustrates how figures like Ahab and Jezebel fell into these traps and the devastating impact on their lives and kingdoms. 


But there is hope. There is a “rehab for Ahab!”  For those who have been taken captive by an Ahab spirit and have surrendered their God-given authority will discover practical steps for rehabilitation and regaining your authority. You will learn the importance of acknowledging sin, repenting, and making things right with humility and integrity. The message provides actionable guidance for taking back authority in various aspects of life—family, church, workplace, and government—ensuring alignment with God’s will and design. Through this message, individuals are called to reject the Jezebel principality, reclaim their authority, and live a life of obedience and integrity, empowered by God’s grace and love. 


Jesus said, “I have given you the keys to the Kingdom.” This message concludes with “Reclaiming Your Keys and Returning Theirs”: discovering the keys of authority God has given you and reclaiming them, and recognizing the keys of authority God has given to others that are in your possession and returning them. What is the end result? Deliverance from an Ahab spirit and restoration to your place of God-given authority. 

We’ve covered much so far in this series, and this message aims to help us understand and remember key points when dealing with a Jezebel spiritual principality. It elaborates on various ways individuals might unknowingly tolerate or engage with destructive behaviors and attitudes, encouraging vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard one’s spiritual integrity. 


This message shares two dreams that emerged during this teaching: 


  1. Dream: Spiderweb, Bypassing God’s Authority, the Gate. 
  2. Dream: Mother Castrates Male Child. 

Key themes include the importance of discernment, the power of repentance, and the necessity of aligning one’s actions with God’s will to avoid spiritual deception and downfall. The message also provides practical advice on recognizing and combating the subtle tricks and manipulations of those held captive by a Jezebel spirit, supplemented by detailed study of God’s word to bolster the call to spiritual cleanliness and dedication. 


You’ll learn about some characteristics you need to know about a Jezebel Spirit: 


  • Her Spiderweb: Networking of Jezebel. 
  • Burning Jealousy: Jezebel’s strong sense of entitlement. 
  • Zero Empathy: Self-centered nature. 
  • Meaningless People: To Jezebel, those without authority or not associated with authority are meaningless. 
  • Enticement: The draw of the Jezebel spirit, enticing your sin nature. 
  • Eunuchs: Jezebel’s children do not reproduce and are unconcerned about it. They also often facilitate the abortion of the fruit of those who do reproduce. They will make or do anything except make disciples of Jesus. 
  • Two Lives: Jezebel maintains a spiritual and worldly life. 
  • Gender Dysphoria: Natural: Product of Mixed Role Parents. Spiritual: Jezebel and Ahab parents/leaders produce children who leave natural relations with God for unnatural ones with Jezebel’s gods. 
  • Critical: Criticizes her own offspring and their manifestations while remaining oblivious she is their fault.  
  • Witchcraft: Jezebel and her children engage in witchcraft. Both good and bad witches have one thing in common: they are witches. 
  • Domination and Manipulation: Dominates those who cannot benefit her while currying favor with authorities to manipulate their power. 
  • Egotistical: Always thinks she should be first. 
  • She Doesn’t Tithe, She Ties: Jezebel’s children don’t honor God with their tithes unless they see it as a way to manipulate those in authority. 
  • Adds to God’s Word: They will always add to God’s Word. 
  • Attraction: Attracted to authority and each other. 
  • Injured: Often have been injured, whether rightly or wrongly. 

This message and series remind us, “You cannot change what you fail to acknowledge, and you cannot acknowledge what you cannot see, and you can’t not see when you fail to get into the Light of God’s Word!” Other Messaged Referred to in this message: 


  1. Deliver us from the evil one.  
  2. The Jail of Jealousy  



Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to freedom and lasting liberation from a Jezebel spirit? Join us as we delve into the profound message of freedom, which includes wisdom from Francis Frangipane in “The Jezebel Spirit: Unmasking the Enemies of the Church.” This powerful message will reveal how to topple Satan’s empire through Christlikeness, transforming our hearts and minds to reflect the nature of Jesus. Discover the essential steps to exercise authority over the nations and inherit the glorious Morning Star by overcoming the insidious Jezebel spirit. This isn’t just about prayer—it’s about allowing the Holy Spirit to expose and eradicate every lie and deception that holds us captive.  This life-changing message will guide you through the necessary steps to achieve true freedom. Learn how to adopt a Jahu attitude, decisively confronting and overthrowing demonic influences in your life. Understand the importance of surrendering the throne of your heart to God, addressing judgmental spirits, and confronting fear with the revelation of God’s unfailing love. Experience the power of forgiveness and break free from the chains of bitterness and resentment. Through these transformative steps, you can walk in the abundant freedom that God has promised. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain the tools and insights needed to live a life of spiritual victory and freedom. Tune in and be part of this powerful journey towards spiritual liberation!   

In the message “Called to Fight and Win the Battle Against the Evil Spiritual Forces,” we delve into the profound reality of spiritual warfare that every believer is called to engage in. As part of the Zero Tolerance series, this message specifically addresses the battle against the Jezebel spirit, a manipulative and controlling force that seeks to undermine spiritual authority and sow discord. Drawing from the Apostle Paul’s teachings in Ephesians 6 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, we explore how our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Paul instructs us that the weapons we wield are divinely powerful, capable of demolishing strongholds and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God. This message emphasizes the importance of understanding our divine role in this battle, equipping ourselves with spiritual weapons rather than worldly ones, and standing firm in God’s power.  The message further elaborates on the essential elements of the full armor of God as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18. We are called to don the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and Sword of the Spirit to effectively stand against the devil’s schemes, including those propagated by the Jezebel spirit. Additionally, it highlights the crucial role of the church in making God’s manifold wisdom known to the heavenly realms through our obedience and spiritual warfare. Paul underscores the significance of constant prayer, urging believers to stay alert and maintain continuous communication with God. By doing so, we align ourselves with His will, ready to overcome the enemy’s attacks and fulfill our divine purpose. 

In “Zero Tolerance: Deliver Us from the Evil One,” we delve into the biblical teachings on deliverance from demonic influences and the spiritual warfare every believer faces. Rooted in Matthew 6:9-13, where Jesus instructs His followers to pray for deliverance from the evil one, this message underscores the necessity of recognizing and resisting the devil’s tactics. By understanding the reality of demonic oppression and the authority believers have through Christ, we can experience and maintain the freedom that God desires for us. The article explores practical steps such as repentance, renouncing ties with the enemy, replacing darkness with God’s Word, and actively resisting the devil.  The teaching further emphasizes the importance of ongoing vigilance and a commitment to walking in the light to stay free from demonic bondage. By highlighting spiritual weapons such as the Word of God, prayer, and faith, it provides a comprehensive approach to overcoming the powers of darkness. With insights from Larry Kreider’s work on demonic activity and biblical examples, this message equips believers to not only secure their own freedom but also to help others find liberation through Jesus Christ. It is a call to action for Christians to embrace the full measure of Christ’s victory and live out their faith with authority and confidence.