Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

I Shall Stand! Do You Have a God-Line You Won’t Cross?

God is looking for an opportunity to show Himself mighty through someone who will stand for Him. The struggle is that God’s opportunities come with great opposition and a great price. Notice when you look back on history, you’ll see that it doesn’t take many who will stand for Truth to turn the tide of nations. Three men stood against all odds for God. In the natural, it looked like there was no way that things would change or that the governmental leader would change their mind. It looked like the horrific ultimate price was going to be paid because these three men had a “God Line” in their lives and hearts that they wouldn’t cross. They respectfully refused to cross a line where the government was trying to get them to cross. They knew if they crossed it, it would be to satisfy men at the cost of dishonoring their God. They knew and held dearly their loving, trusting commitment to God, knowing that He was with them. Knowing that He, God, could deliver them. Yet, even if God didn’t, He was still their God. When we stand with such convictions against great odds, that is when we see God’s angels show up BIG TIME! Learn more and decide: will you be one who will stand for God and not cross the line, your God line?
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God is looking for an opportunity to show Himself mighty through someone who will stand for Him. The struggle is that God’s opportunities come with great opposition and a great price. Notice when you look back on history, you’ll see that it doesn’t take many who will stand for Truth to turn the tide of nations. Three men stood against all odds for God. In the natural, it looked like there was no way that things would change or that the governmental leader would change their mind. It looked like the horrific ultimate price was going to be paid because these three men had a “God Line” in their lives and hearts that they wouldn’t cross. They respectfully refused to cross a line where the government was trying to get them to cross. They knew if they crossed it, it would be to satisfy men at the cost of dishonoring their God. They knew and held dearly their loving, trusting commitment to God, knowing that He was with them. Knowing that He, God, could deliver them. Yet, even if God didn’t, He was still their God. When we stand with such convictions against great odds, that is when we see God’s angels show up BIG TIME! Learn more and decide: will you be one who will stand for God and not cross the line, your God line?
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