Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 18) The Spirit of Haughtiness (Part 3)

This final message on a haughty, prideful, Leviathan satanic spirit covers the last five attributes of this spirit, defines them, and helps to show us, if an archangel, Lucifer, in the presence of God can become a devil, what do you think could happen to you or me?  This is such a humbling message which helps us to embrace the only way we can get free and stay free from a haughty spirit which is through humility.  You will learn about the five I WILL’s of satan, how pride manifests and what had Lucifer (satan) thrown out of heaven.  In addition, you will learn how you might have done some or all of these things yourself when Pastor Kilpatrick takes us to Galatians 5:20 that speaks of the works of the flesh and compares it exactly to the I WILL’s of satan.  We all have fallen short, we were born into sin, shaped in inequity and need Jesus as our Savior Who is the only way to God and heaven.  Finally, you learn how to overcome the spirit of Leviathan; Haughtiness. Pastor Kilpatrick’s pastor, as a young man being mentored by him would always tell him and all the others he was mentoring, “You are never as good as they say you are.  You are never as bad as they say you are.  You are just somewhere in between.  You are just some person, for God’s own reason has chose to lay His hand on.  That does not make you above other people or special.  It just means His hand is on you to do His work.  That is all it means.  Don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to.”    He also told him, “‘Son, don’t you ever forget, when you get up to preach, they are not your people.  They are the Lord’s sheep. When you get up to preach, don’t be a pimp, prostituting your calling, trying to get them to look to you. They are the bride, and Jesus is the Bridegroom.’  Why did he tell him this?  To keep him humble so he could be used by God.  God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
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This final message on a haughty, prideful, Leviathan satanic spirit covers the last five attributes of this spirit, defines them, and helps to show us, if an archangel, Lucifer, in the presence of God can become a devil, what do you think could happen to you or me?  This is such a humbling message which helps us to embrace the only way we can get free and stay free from a haughty spirit which is through humility.  You will learn about the five I WILL’s of satan, how pride manifests and what had Lucifer (satan) thrown out of heaven.  In addition, you will learn how you might have done some or all of these things yourself when Pastor Kilpatrick takes us to Galatians 5:20 that speaks of the works of the flesh and compares it exactly to the I WILL’s of satan.  We all have fallen short, we were born into sin, shaped in inequity and need Jesus as our Savior Who is the only way to God and heaven.  Finally, you learn how to overcome the spirit of Leviathan; Haughtiness. Pastor Kilpatrick’s pastor, as a young man being mentored by him would always tell him and all the others he was mentoring, “You are never as good as they say you are.  You are never as bad as they say you are.  You are just somewhere in between.  You are just some person, for God’s own reason has chose to lay His hand on.  That does not make you above other people or special.  It just means His hand is on you to do His work.  That is all it means.  Don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to.”    He also told him, “‘Son, don’t you ever forget, when you get up to preach, they are not your people.  They are the Lord’s sheep. When you get up to preach, don’t be a pimp, prostituting your calling, trying to get them to look to you. They are the bride, and Jesus is the Bridegroom.’  Why did he tell him this?  To keep him humble so he could be used by God.  God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
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