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Home » Data, Medicine, Cures, Reverse Aging, Future Health Merging in a Data Revolution in a Technologically Advanced World. “This Calls For Wisdom” Revelation 13:18

Data, Medicine, Cures, Reverse Aging, Future Health Merging in a Data Revolution in a Technologically Advanced World. “This Calls For Wisdom” Revelation 13:18


LISTEN NOW! Technology is all around us. It is an everyday part of our lives. It wasn’t always like this. We didn’t always have plumbing. In order to make a copy, someone had to rewrite the entire page. We used to take horses to work. Fast forward to today and the advancements of technology are unending. This is true for healthcare as well. With the advancements of technology, diseases and sicknesses are able to be identified, even cured, with the early identification breakthroughs.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria recently interviewed David Agus M.D., Professor of Medicine at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, and author of The Lucky Years, to get a pulse on just where the medical industry is right now. According to Agus, the transformation to mandated digital records has created significant databases providing the ability for surprising discoveries. For example, cases have been studied regarding women with ovarian cancer, “if you happen to be on a blood pressure medicine, called a ‘beta-blocker’, you live about a year and a half longer”. Agus continues to share that this would have never been a reality had the data not been closely looked at and realized.


Agus also shares how big data studies have revealed the impact upon residential areas around airports. “…if you do circles around an airport, the closer you live in, the higher the rate of neuro cognitive decline. Meaning that the brain needs quiet time every night…” Agus continues to share about the advancements of responding to cancer, how cancer can differ in our bodies based on aging, and also reversing the process of aging.


It is a beautiful sight to see how scientists are discovering the miracle of how God created the inner workings of our body. Every day of our lives, individual healings are taking place whether we realize it or not. While the medical communities may be reaching discoveries about reversing the aging process, the question we must ask ourselves is, ‘why do we want to live longer’? If we are not living our lives with the values of eternity now, why would we want to add more to our life if we do not want to live for eternity? Technology is a beautiful thing. Are we supposed to submit to technology or is technology supposed to submit to us? These are important topics that we must seek wisdom from the Lord about. Watch the full interview with Dr. Agus about the changing advancements, how spending time with the Lord provides the peace that we need, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: health care, Blue Cross Blue Shield, lung cancer, breast cancer, immune systems, t-cells, melanoma, Jimmy Carter, DNA, eternity, abiding, and wisdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of  everything possible/Shutterstock.com


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Fareed Zakaria with David Agus M.D. February 7, 2016
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