Founder of TBN, Jan Crouch has Gone to be with the Lord
There is sad news, but it is also joyful news: Co-Founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) Jan Crouch has gone to be with the Lord. Together with her husband Paul, TBN was started over 40 years ago in 1973. Their ministry has impacted the world. Her family shared about her life; “Jan Crouch loved many things, but most of all she loved Jesus and now has seen Him face to face and has experienced His grace in fullness.”It is with sadness that we share this news and we mourn with the entire Crouch family as we remember Jan. Greg shared in this segment.
“I Dare You all to Pursue True Truth which is Only Found in Jesus Christ”, Salutatorian of Tate High School, Lauren Kirkland, Shares Bold words about Jesus Christ during Graduation Speech
This is the season for graduations, in all areas of schooling. Throughout the nation we have seen repeated stories of students being told how they can’t pray or acknowledge God. But, that didn’t stop Tate High School’s Salutatorian, Lauren Kirkland, from boldly sharing the Good News of the Gospel as she stood behind the podium before a packed gathering.
Not only did she proudly and boldly thank and acknowledge Jesus Christ as her ‘God and Savior’ with her beginning remarks, but she also concluded the commencement with continuing bold words. As the graduating class of 2016 was ready to begin the next step of their journeys, Kirkland had a few final words of encouragement to her fellow graduating seniors. She quotes the Apostle Paul’s words to the Church of Galatia, “May I never boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world…” These are just some of the powerful words that Kirkland shares. It is so encouraging to see Lauren Kirkland stand up for Christ! We thank Lauren for standing up and congratulate the graduating class of 2016. Also shared in this segment: First Amendment, Constitution, High School Graduation, and boldness. Greg shared in this segment.
“There is Danger if the Church Doesn’t Wake Up” says Anne Graham Lotz
As the daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz has continually been a voice of truth to the Church as a beacon for prayer and repentance. In a recent discussion with CBN, she shares the importance of the Church seeing the reality of the days that we are in. While the world may not know what’s happening, the Church has the answer, “The answer is Jesus. The answer is a personal relationship with God; and growing and developing that relationship.” She continues to share the realities of walking with Jesus, “it can be costly but that’s okay. We want to be found faithful when He returns.”
Yes; There is a cost to walking with Jesus. We must not only follow Jesus but we must also obey His words as well. He has called us to be His disciple and to make disciples. As a child, one can understand when a parent says to clean your room and expect to it to be clean when they return, we know of all the things that can be done, the room better be clean. Jesus is going to return and He has called us to make disciples. If we’re not disciples, how can we make disciples in the first place? This is the most powerful thing, we, as the Church, can do in these darkening days: to become Jesus’ disciple and to make disciples. Be encouraged as you hear the full words from Anne Graham Lotz, the importance of discipleship, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: anxiety, fear, prayer, mountains, red letters, and obedience. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
“The Lord is Doing His Best to Wake Up America, One More Time” Perry Stone Shares about the Coming Rural Revival
As the prophetic word of “pockets of revival” is being shared in the Church, it confirms the similar prophetic word that Perry Stone also shared regarding pockets of Revival. Stone expressed how God is still in control and has a plan for America, “The Lord is doing his best to wake up America, One More Time; One More Time. He does this because He loves this country.”
It was in Stone’s next words that he gave the context as to how the next move of God would get the name “The Rural Revival”. “You’re going to see, as men speak of pockets of selective judgment, so likewise, there is pockets of selective revival. Areas where people will pray and pray, and worship and worship, until the Glory is seen…it will not be the type of meeting that will get attention from Coast to Coast, but in that region, and with those people, the town will know that there is a visitation from Heaven going on, and it will be known as the Rural Revival.”
Difficult days are coming in America. If there is no food or water, the urban areas within the nation will obviously be difficult to remain in. To stay in the city simply wouldn’t make sense anymore. Wisdom is to respond like a prudent man and to prepare. As Stone has shared about the days of difficulty that are ahead, the recent words shared by Dr. Ben Carson echo the same warning as well. “America is like a cruise ship that is about to go over Niagara Falls with tremendous carnage and death.” Hear the full statements from Perry Stone, Dr. Ben Carson, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: cities, mountains, robbing, looting, stealing, fear, and Prudent Preparation. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
VFNtv Celebrates Our 4 Year Anniversary!!
It is amazing how time flies. Another anniversary is being celebrated as we celebrate four years of being able to come to you, beginning with radio and now broadcasting daily on VFNtv. There has been much wisdom that we have grown in as the Lord has taught and revealed everything that we are now doing on a daily basis.
What began with a powerful rhema word during a time of prayer, launched us into beginning radio. This came during a time when we knew nothing about radio. But, because of Greg’s faithfulness, God connected him with a man in Colorado that provided the information of everything that was needed. We are witnessing the continual provision and miraculous hand of God provide what is needed and lead us to where He wants us to go.
God has taught us so many truths and nuggets of wisdom along the way. From how to begin radio, to how to begin television, and even how to capture a miracle and broadcast it to the world! Imagine seeing a woman share how she was miraculously healed while she was standing in the produce aisle and give glory to God! Many are being greatly encouraged by all that God is doing. For those wanting to know how they can support what God is doing, they can become partners! It is our faith together that is lifted up and stirred that stirs up the faith in others to believe for the powerful miracles to come to pass. This is exactly what took place at the Awakening Healing Conference Series when Art Thomas shared about God’s power to heal! Hear the exciting full story of all that God has done in the last four years, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: grocery store, faith, working out, Pittsburgh, ice cream, Colorado, obedience, religion, and gratitude. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
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