Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The A.I. Dilemma and the Church (Part 5) | “A-Eye” is Watching! Is Big Tech, Big Brother?

Our bodies have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, but if our spirit is led by God's Spirit, it does not always take that path. In this amazing advancement of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), we will witness one of the greatest temptations mankind has ever known: the temptation towards our bodies (our flesh). Throughout history and in our present, as well as in the future, we can see how A.I. will be used for complete control of mankind. It will initially offer the pleasures that tempt our flesh, and if that fails, it will tempt us to avoid pain, even if it means denying God for some. We will explore how Ray Kurzweil predicts that A.I. will be integrated into "our minds," allowing us to experience a virtual reality that captures the connections between the human mind and body. This virtual simulation will make it unnecessary for us to physically go anywhere or be with anyone. It is an exchange of the glory of God and His creation for images and virtual realities that mimic real life, real relationships, and a real God for false promises of eternal life and a utopia. Additionally, we will examine how nations and tyrannical leaders have achieved control over their people through communism, which represents the greatest temptation to a person's body and flesh. Finally, we will discover the secret to resisting the desires of our bodies and following our spirits. By aligning ourselves with the Spirit of God, which leads to eternal life through Jesus Christ. God is preparing a true utopia in the future for all those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior—a new Heaven and a new Earth.
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Our bodies have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, but if our spirit is led by God's Spirit, it does not always take that path. In this amazing advancement of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), we will witness one of the greatest temptations mankind has ever known: the temptation towards our bodies (our flesh). Throughout history and in our present, as well as in the future, we can see how A.I. will be used for complete control of mankind. It will initially offer the pleasures that tempt our flesh, and if that fails, it will tempt us to avoid pain, even if it means denying God for some. We will explore how Ray Kurzweil predicts that A.I. will be integrated into "our minds," allowing us to experience a virtual reality that captures the connections between the human mind and body. This virtual simulation will make it unnecessary for us to physically go anywhere or be with anyone. It is an exchange of the glory of God and His creation for images and virtual realities that mimic real life, real relationships, and a real God for false promises of eternal life and a utopia. Additionally, we will examine how nations and tyrannical leaders have achieved control over their people through communism, which represents the greatest temptation to a person's body and flesh. Finally, we will discover the secret to resisting the desires of our bodies and following our spirits. By aligning ourselves with the Spirit of God, which leads to eternal life through Jesus Christ. God is preparing a true utopia in the future for all those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior—a new Heaven and a new Earth.
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