Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The A.I. Dilemma and the Church (Part 12) War on Jesus

In the twelfth part of the message series "The AI Dilemma & The Church – War on Jesus," alarming developments in technology and societal shifts are highlighted as deeply concerning from a Christian perspective. The message warns of an agenda to remove the knowledge of God from nations and discusses disturbing practices like rewriting the Bible to portray Jesus as a sinner and murderer. It also notes the creation of an AI-based entity called "Ask Jesus," available on Amazon’s Discord platform formerly known as 'Cursed Inc,' before Amazon’s Twitch purchased it, as a blasphemous imitation of God, of Jesus. This digital initiative and others like it have been dubbed "AI gods," a term discussed by self exalted thought leaders like Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum. The message references 2 Thessalonians 2:4-12 to discuss the unfolding of "strong delusion" upon people, which is a Biblical prediction concerning the end times. It lists a series of alarming trends, from forced renouncements of faith in Christ to the removal of Bible apps from app stores, all of which are designed to mislead the faithful and stand in violation of the Ten Commandments. The message concludes with a rallying call to Christians, citing Luke 21:28 and Matthew 24:27, urging them to stand steadfast in their faith, as the signs indicate the impending return of Jesus Christ.
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In the twelfth part of the message series "The AI Dilemma & The Church – War on Jesus," alarming developments in technology and societal shifts are highlighted as deeply concerning from a Christian perspective. The message warns of an agenda to remove the knowledge of God from nations and discusses disturbing practices like rewriting the Bible to portray Jesus as a sinner and murderer. It also notes the creation of an AI-based entity called "Ask Jesus," available on Amazon’s Discord platform formerly known as 'Cursed Inc,' before Amazon’s Twitch purchased it, as a blasphemous imitation of God, of Jesus. This digital initiative and others like it have been dubbed "AI gods," a term discussed by self exalted thought leaders like Yuval Harari at the World Economic Forum. The message references 2 Thessalonians 2:4-12 to discuss the unfolding of "strong delusion" upon people, which is a Biblical prediction concerning the end times. It lists a series of alarming trends, from forced renouncements of faith in Christ to the removal of Bible apps from app stores, all of which are designed to mislead the faithful and stand in violation of the Ten Commandments. The message concludes with a rallying call to Christians, citing Luke 21:28 and Matthew 24:27, urging them to stand steadfast in their faith, as the signs indicate the impending return of Jesus Christ.
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