Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Introduction to Emmaus Road

Stephen, was chosen by the church leadership to help with the church and share the love of God with those who didn’t know Him and to make them disciples of Jesus Christ.  He was a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, grace and power and he performed great wonders and signs among the people, but it started by him becoming Jesus’ disciple, serving the church by waiting on tables in the church.  We learn, in his and many others experiences, that when the manifestation of the Glory of God, healing, signs and wonders occur it is often followed by opposition to the person(s) that is being faithful to minister as was Stephen.  The opposition we receive may or may not be as intense as Stephen received, but rest assured that opposition does come as Jesus tells us in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:1-23Acts Chapters 6 and 7.

Understanding this, that opposition will come, you need to be prepared, full of faith and the Holy Spirit, grace and power, before you launch out into this awesome adventure called Life as a Believer or what is a disciple.  We’re all called to be a disciples of Jesus and that is what Emmaus Road is here to do, to prepare you as Stephen was prepared to impact others with the love, grace and power of the Kingdom of God.

It’s important to see yourself in body, mind and spirit as a student and be ready to learn and get feedback meant to help you better understand the truths of God, so that your relationship is built on a solid foundation. 2 Timothy 3:16-17Hebrews 4:12Psalm 119:105Romans 15:4

It was so exciting to read, when Stephen said yes to serve, after growing as a disciple in Jesus and being filled with faith and the Holy Spirit, about him stepping right in the role of serving God’s people as he was filled with grace and power.  It was then that God began to use him to make His love and Kingdom known to many.  What was the results of Stephen saying yes to discipleship, yes to serving and yes to going out to tell others about the love of God?  A large number of people became disciples of Jesus Christ and the number of disciples grew rapidly.

As you are taking those same steps Stephen took, we are excited to watch your life, as you allow the Lord to move through your life, what He will do through you as you abide with Him, as you say yes to become Jesus’ disciple, and yes to serving and yes to going to see how many others will become Jesus’ disciple because you did.

Find out what to expect on Emmaus Road.