Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

What to expect on Emmaus Road?


You’ll develop a solid testimony of who you were before you met the Lord, how you met the Lord, and how your life has now changed since you made Jesus the Lord of your life.   Revelation 12:11

You get a clear understanding that it’s all about disciples and discipleship, for the Lord’s last words were “make disciples” and He told us clearly what a disciple is:  Those who know and follow My teachings and as a result will be delivered, set free; for He who the Son sets free is free in deed.  Matthew 28:19-20

You learn about “the reason” we’re to do what the Lord has called us to do, but also “the how” and “the why” we’re supposed to run this race and most of all, how to win in the end and not just spend your life and ministry wondering aimlessly on dead end “worldly winning concepts.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

You get a clear understanding that the enemy is spiritual, not physical (people) and that God has given you authority to defeat this enemy along with receiving the wisdom of understanding how to get free and stay free from the adversary’s access to yours and others lives.  Ephesians 6:12Matthew 12:43-45

You learn how being fruitful is not a good idea, but a God expectation and the only way we can be identified as “the Lord’s,” and how anything healthy reproduces after its own kind; multiplies. Hence, the importance of being healthy to be fruitful and to multiply as the Lord desires and expects us to and how the VFN Family partners with you to make this a reality in your life.  You discover the importance and safety that comes from living a unified life with your church family and were it is the safest place for you to live your life, but also to fight the good fight of faith.   John 15:4-15, 16

Gaining the understanding of: 1) What is a disciple?  2)  The command to Make Disciples 3) The heart of a disciple maker.  Luke 14:26-33Matthew 28:19-20

1) Life in the Church 2) The local church:  how to tightly fit into as the church: DewSpace, Prayer & Fasting Community (PFC), Water Baptism & Communion 3) The Global Church Ephesians 4:2-16

You’ll learn how to have a personal healthy abiding relationship with the Lord and a simple plan to maintain this relationship.  Understanding that you can do nothing without having a personal abiding relationship with the Lord.  John 15:4-15, 16

You’ll learn why it’s important to be related to an apostolic HUB, if the Lord is calling you there, when you are planning on obeying the expectations of our Lord to “be fruitful & multiply” and “make disciples.” You’ll get a clear understanding of a church that operates as an apostolic HUB and a church that operates as a local church and the importance of honoring both, but related to the one that best fits with what God has called you to do.

The Scripture tells us, study the scriptures to show ourselves approved, therefore study of the scriptures is a vital part of every believer’s life.  You’ll learn a simple yet effective way to study scripture and, as James tells us, so that you can do what you learn in your study and “be blessed in all you do.”  You’ll learn the following:  1) How to study the Bible 2) Evidence the Bible is true and accurate 3) How to study the Bible prayerfully and obediently 4) How to study the Bible logically.   2 Timothy 2:15James 1:19-25Revelation 1:3Revelation 22:18-19

You’ll gain an understanding of the Old Testament:  Creation, The Fall, God’s Covenant with Abraham, Exodus and Redemption, God’s Covenant with Moses, Sacrifice and Atonement, God’s Presence on Earth, The Kingdom of God, Exile and the Promise of Restoration.  Romans 15:4

You’ll gain an understanding of the New Testament in these areas:  Jesus the Messiah, The Great Commission, The Spirit of God, The Promise, The Early Church, Good News for All Nations, and How it all Ends.  John 1:1-4, 14Hebrews 4:12Revelation 1:3

You will gain a multi-dimensional understanding and importance of the role of the Holy Spirit in every believers and the churches life.  You gain understanding in these areas:  Power & Authority, Boldness that comes from the Holy Spirit, Importance of Waiting on The Promise, The Explanation of the Holy Spirit, Salvation (Man’s Vision of Hell; what Jesus is saving us from), Dangers of Denial or Rejecting the Holy Spirit, How the Holy Spirit reveals those who are the Lord’s, Understanding the difference between water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit (What baptism did you receive?), The Blessing of having a Shameless Audacity in going after the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Understanding more about Man’s Lust for Power, and how The Spirit of the Lord is Upon us to do the works of the Lord, The Role of the Holy Spirit, Orderly moving of God’s Spirit, Understanding and preparing yourself or the persecution that comes with The Promised Holy Spirit when we step out to be witnesses.  Acts 1:4-5, 8II Timothy 3:1-5

The Lord has called us all, those who called upon His name and made Him to be the Lord of their lives to be ministers.  The church grows, adds new disciples, and builds itself up as a “member, disciple, does their work.”  You’ll be greatly encouraged as you are now preparing to step out and be a “doer of the word” of God as you’ll see people healed under the power that comes through Jesus Christ and the gifts that Jesus says will follow all those who believe.  You’ll learn about the hindrances to love and power.  This will be followed by 40 days of activation where you’ll be challenged to put your faith into practice and given a simple step of faith each day for 40 days and see firsthand how the Lord works with you confirming HIS WORD as you live your life sharing the message of the Kingdom of God and the love God has for them demonstrated through Jesus Christ.  Matthew 20:18-20Mark 16:15-20ou will gain a multi-dimensional understanding and importance of the role of the Holy Spirit in every believers and the churches life.  You gain understanding in these areas:  Power & Authority, Boldness that comes from the Holy Spirit, Importance of Waiting on The Promise, The Explanation of the Holy Spirit, Salvation (Man’s Vision of Hell; what Jesus is saving us from), Dangers of Denial or Rejecting the Holy Spirit, How the Holy Spirit reveals those who are the Lord’s, Understanding the difference between water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit (What baptism did you receive?), The Blessing of having a Shameless Audacity in going after the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Understanding more about Man’s Lust for Power, and how The Spirit of the Lord is Upon us to do the works of the Lord, The Role of the Holy Spirit, Orderly moving of God’s Spirit, Understanding and preparing yourself or the persecution that comes with The Promised Holy Spirit when we step out to be witnesses.  Acts 1:4-5, 8II Timothy 3:1-5