Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

There are so many interesting things taking place in the world today. As the Lord just said to Greg Lancaster, “What is about to happen is going to be like the 1970s.” Amos 3:7 reveals, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” …

There are so many interesting things taking place in the world today. As the Lord just said to Greg Lancaster, “What is about to happen is going to be like the 1970s.” Amos 3:7 reveals, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” …

If we were to focus on the present headlines and constant updates of what is taking place around the world and within the borders of America, it can be easy to lose hope. It would almost cause one to wonder, where is God in all of this? In the late 1960’s …

God has things right where He wants them to be, right before He does what only He can do, as He so clearly demonstrated in the 1970’s which we’ll share in detail.  In today’s landscape, it appears that the ways of godliness, and our nation’s moral compass, has all but been …

“IT’S GOING TO BE THE 1970’S AGAIN!” This is what the Lord told Greg Lancaster would soon be happening. Granted, the 1970’s was a difficult time in the nations of the world. Yes, there was negativity in the news of the world. But simultaneously, God poured out His Spirit mightily upon America which caught the entire nation by …

As believers in Jesus Christ, it’s so important that we follow the leading of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit makes known to us the thoughts of God, and we have to listen to and obey those thoughts. When God poured out His Spirit in the 1970’s in the mighty Jesus Movement, …

A sovereign move of God!  It is so exciting to be in the moment as we are on the precipice of what God is about to do. “It’s going to be the 1970’s again”, is what the Lord told Greg Lancaster. THINK ABOUT THAT! When you think about the 1970’s.  …

Being Led By The Spirit Is The Key! The Wisdom of Walking with Holy Spirit vs the Knowledge of Men  It so incredibly encouraging to have people who have lived life, and seen the faithfulness of the Lord do great and mighty things in their lives, to walk alongside us …

HUMOR MOMENT! Was Pat Hamilton Shout Out of a Cannon?    It’s so important that we have those moments that we can look back and laugh at. Greg recalls past memories of himself, and Brianna and Elijah Bolender, watching a man being shot out of a cannon at the circus. One …

There was a mighty move of God’s Spirit that took the entire nation by surprise. It was as sovereign move of God that drew millions of heart and souls to the Lord. It was so sudden, and so mighty, that even Time Magazine dedicated on their front page magazines to …

In the 1970’s, The Lord powerfully poured out His Spirit across the nation of America in such a mighty way that it was known as The Jesus Movement to many who witnessed it. This mighty move of God had such a tremendous impact that its effects are still being felt in …

HUMOR MOMENT: Marine Defeated by Box of Cereal  We are so incredibly grateful for our men and women servicemembers who lay down their lives to fight for and defend our nation. They selflessly stand in the gap against our nation’s enemies. But what about a box of cereal? In this humorous …

During the 1970’s, horrific tragedies were taking place across the nation as the daily news cycle and media were declaring continual calamities and heartbreak. Interest rates were steadily climbing, ultimately peaking in 1981 at the highest they had every been in our nation. Gas lines would stretch for miles. The Vietnam War was taking place. President John F. Kennedy was …

    In the 1970’s, the Holy Spirit did a miraculous work as the Lord poured out His Spirit upon the entire nation and moved upon thousands of people so quickly, and mightily. This powerful move of God was chronicled and remembered in the 1971 Time Magazine and the 1972 …

  The Lord has prophetically revealed that “It’s going to be the 1970’s again”. This was the decade when God mightily poured out His Spirit in America, that is known today as The Jesus Movement! People were coming to Christ in the crowds hundreds at a time. One would think …

The Lord revealed prophetically that “It’s going to be the 1970’s again. Horrific tragedies were in the continual headlines during the 1970’s, and crime was rampant across cities in America. Many people were struggling to live and make ends meet. People were doing all that they could to survive each …

The Lord has revealed prophetically that “It’s going to be the 1970’s again”. The Lord poured out His Spirit in such a mighty way that when so many were saved  there was no building large enough that could contain everyone. They began gathering together in their homes. It’s happening again …

Tom, a friend of Greg, was giving a hippie a ride in his very prestigious car, a Lincoln Continental.  While driving down the road the hippie suddenly bursts out with excitement, “LOOK! LOOK! There’s a perfectly …

There was a mighty move of God’s Spirit that took the entire nation by surprise. It was as sovereign move of God that drew millions of hearts and souls to …

It is incredibly encouraging to hear the testimonies of others, and how the Lord moved upon their lives. When we hear these testimonies, it points us to the goodness of …