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Home » A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Remembering the Jesus Revolution and the Explo 72’: The Jesus Revolution Part 11

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, Remembering the Jesus Revolution and the Explo 72’: The Jesus Revolution Part 11




In the 1970’s, the Holy Spirit did a miraculous work as the Lord poured out His Spirit upon the entire nation and moved upon thousands of people so quickly, and mightily. This powerful move of God was chronicled and remembered in the 1971 Time Magazine and the 1972 Life Magazine with so many beautiful color images of what the Lord did. Thousands were gathered in Costa Del Mar, California in order to be baptized. A woman preached the Gospel in Texas in what was once a strip bar. People were enthusiastically gathered to worship the Lord, and a young woman was baptized in a pool in Washington, D.C..  

Two years later in 1972, thousands gathered in Dallas for the Explo 72’ Crusade as people boldly proclaimed Jesus Christ as the ‘One Way’ to Heaven, as hands were stretched high across the crowd with their index fingers pointing high. Billy Graham and Johnny Cash, as well as many others sang and shared the Gospel to everyone in attendance. Even people from Australia were in attendance, going after Jesus. If God did it then, He can do it again, and He is going to do it again! Be excited and hungry in expectancy for what the Lord is about to do across the entire nation in our generation. Also shared in this segment: Lonnie Frisbee, Jesus Movement, Jesus People, Chuck Smith, Former Governor Mike Huckaee, Woodlawn, The Cotton Bowl, Campus Crusade for Christ, Messianic Believer, Baptism of Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ Superstar, Draft Cards, Jesus Freaks, DC Talk, Jesus People, and communal living.   

 TGLS 02012022

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