Many claim to follow Jesus, but few embrace the cost of true discipleship. Are you a mere admirer, or are you truly committed to His mission? This article explores the …
Spiritual Growth
Cost of CommitmentDiscipleshipEvangelismGreat CommissionObedienceSpiritual GrowthThe Urgency of DiscipleshipTrue Faith vs. Superficial Belief
A.I.Biblical TeachingsBiblical WisdomDeceptionDivine GuidanceFaith and Spiritual GuidanceFaith in CrisisFalse Teachings and DeceptionGLMNavigating Digital DeceptionSpiritual Awareness in Modern TimesSpiritual DiscernmentSpiritual GrowthSpiritual WarfareTheology of Technology
Walking Circumspectly: A Guide to Spiritual Awareness and Intimacy with God, by John Kilpatrick
Church and governmentChurch and SocietyChurch LeadershipDivine GuidanceDivine InterventionDivine Protection and GuidanceDivine RestorationFaithFaith and LeadershipFaith and Spiritual GuidanceHistorical Examples: Exodus and the Roman EmpireHistorical Significance and Cultural ImpactLeadership and GuidanceNational RepentancePrayerProphecyProphetic DreamsProphetic VisionsRepentanceRevivalScriptures and ReflectionsSpiritual AwakeningSpiritual DiscernmentSpiritual GrowthSpiritual WarfareTestimonyTrust and Faith in GodVisionary ExperiencesWarning and awarenessWarnings and Prophecies
A Prophet’s Dream: Great Darkness, Repentance, and the Rising of the Son in America
Biblical Examples and LessonsBiblical ProphecyBiblical TeachingsChristologyend timesFaithJesus's ReturnKingdom of GodNew CreationReconciliationRedemptionRestorationSalvationScripture AnalysisSecond Coming of ChristSpiritual GrowthSpiritual TransformationThe Holy SpiritUnity and Fellowship
Heaven and Earth Will Be Unified Under Christ: Ephesians 1:9-10
ChildrenFamily and ParentingFatherhood and IdentityFatheringFinding Stability in ChaosForgivenessHealing from Broken FamiliesMentoringParental GuidanceRedemptionRelationshipsSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Healing and RestorationTrust and Faith in God
Father Confusion: A Journey Toward Finding True Fatherhood
Biblical Examples and LessonsChristian Love: Loving and sharing the Gospel with people of all faiths.Deep Love and SacrificeFaithFaith and Trust in GodForgivenessGod's Presence in Our Lowest PointsLoveOvercoming RejectionRelationshipsSpiritual GrowthSuffering for FaithTrusting in God's plan
The Dangers of Deep Love: When Love Hurts
Biblical ProphecyDreams and Visionsend timesFaith & SpiritualityHoly SpiritInterpreting Biblical ProphecyProphetic DreamsProphetic VisionsProphetic Warnings: Insights from Revelation about the antichrist.Spiritual DiscernmentSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Warnings and Guidance
Understanding Dreams and Visions in the Last Days, Pastor John Kilpatrick
Apostolic MovementBiblical Characters and LessonsBiblical Examples and LessonsBiblical TeachingsChristian FaithChristian HistoryChurchChurch HistoryFaithFaith and BeliefFaith and LeadershipFaith Healing PioneersFaith MountainHealing and WellnessHistorical Christian MovementsJohn Alexander DowieMinistry LeadershipPentecostal MovementRevivalSpiritual GrowthTheocratic CommunitiesVision
The Life and Legacy of John Alexander Dowie: A Pioneer of Faith Healing
AccountabilityBiblical charactersBiblical Characters and LessonsBiblical Lessons and MoralityFatheringHealing Family DivisionsLeadership and GuidanceLeadership and integrityLeadership in MinistryLearning from Historical ExamplesLegacy and HeritageMentoringPersonal DevelopmentPersonal Development and GrowthPersonal TransformationRelationshipsSpiritual FamilySpiritual FathersSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Growth and InsightSpiritual GuidanceSpiritual Son or Daughter
We Have Not Many Father’s
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Apostolic Ministry and the Role of Apostles, Ken Sumrall
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