In The Republic, Plato, guided by the teachings of Socrates, explores the depths of education, freedom, and the human condition. Through a recent discussion between Hugh Hewitt and Daniel O’Toole, …
Leadership Transitions
ChildrenChurch and governmentChurch HistoryEducation MountainFaith MountainFamily MountainFatheringFearFear of Death and BondageGovernment MountainHistorical Examples: Exodus and the Roman EmpireHistorical Lessons and Moral StoriesHistorical parallelsHistorical Significance and Cultural ImpactLeadership and GuidanceLeadership and integrityLeadership and VisionLeadership TransitionsLearning from Historical ExamplesMentoringPlatoProphecyReligionReligious beliefsReligious Pluralism: Biblical perspective on accepting all religious beliefs.Religious StudiesResistance and CourageRethinking Traditional Education ApproachesSlaverySocrates
America's Current LandscapeBiblical Examples and LessonsBiblical ProphecyCelebrating the success of othersDivine InterventionDivine Protection and GuidanceFaith and GovernanceFaith and LeadershipHistorical parallelsLeadership TransitionsPolitical Challenges and Spiritual ReflectionsSpiritual Warfare in Government LeadershipTeachingVictory and Thanksgiving
Between Slavery and Giants: The Power of Celebrating Wins A Momentous Time for America and the World
ApostlesChurchChurch CommunityDietrich Bonhoeffer's LifeDiscipleshipDivision and unityFaithFaith & SpiritualityFaith and ActionFaith and courageFaith MountainLeadership and GuidanceLeadership and integrityLeadership TransitionsLearning from Historical ExamplesOriginal Intent of the ChurchPersecuted ChurchPersecutionRespecting God's Divine OrderRick Joyner "The Harvest" DiscussionsVine SeminarsWisdom Moments
The Nature of True Apostleship
Building RelationshipsCultivating Authentic LeadershipFulfilling God's WillLeadership TransitionsLearning from Historical ExamplesNavigating Challenges in TransitionsOvercoming AssumptionsSeeking Divine DirectionTrust and IntegrityWisdom and Guidance