House churches are emerging as God’s end-time strategy to sustain revival and disciple believers. Prophetic voices have declared their expansion across every neighborhood. Discover how these intimate gatherings, modeled after …
Church Community
Apostolic OversightBiblical Examples and LessonsChurch CommunityDiscipleship Through Personal MinistryEnd Time BattlesEnd-Time Revival StrategiesEvangelismHouse Church - Church in the HouseProphecyProphetic Insights on Church StructureRevivalSpiritual Growth and Transformation
Church CommunityFaith MountainGovernment and constitutional issuesGovernment MountainHistorical parallels and contemporary eventsHolocaust and genocideHopeInspirationalLessons from ancient historyLessons from history for the presentNuremberg CodeOriginal Intent of AmericaOriginal Intent of the ChurchOriginal Intent of The U.S. ConstitutionReligious beliefsReligious freedomWarning signs and the urgency to actWisdom and GuidanceWorld War II and its impact
President Dwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Speech
ApostlesChurchChurch CommunityDietrich Bonhoeffer's LifeDiscipleshipDivision and unityFaithFaith & SpiritualityFaith and ActionFaith and courageFaith MountainLeadership and GuidanceLeadership and integrityLeadership TransitionsLearning from Historical ExamplesOriginal Intent of the ChurchPersecuted ChurchPersecutionRespecting God's Divine OrderRick Joyner "The Harvest" DiscussionsVine SeminarsWisdom Moments