On November 10, 2018, the Spirit of the Lord revealed a powerful prophecy about a woman rising from Florida to bond the nation and bring restoration. This courageous leader, carrying …
Prophetic Visions
and leadership roles in politicsBiblical ProphecyFaith and LeadershipGovernance and LeadershipJustice and Restoration – A theme emphasizing individuals or movements contributing to societal justice and healingLegal and Political ChallengesPolitical LeadershipProphecy and Current Events – A category focusing on analyzing prophecies in the context of modern occurrences and political eventsProphecy for AmericaProphetic VisionsProphetic Warnings: Insights from Revelation about the antichrist.Role of Prophetic MinistryUnited States of America
America's Current LandscapeBorder Security and National DefenseDivision and unityGLMGovernment MountainMilitia Movements and Local LeadershipNational Preparedness and UnityProphecyProphetic DreamsProphetic VisionsProphetic Warnings: Insights from Revelation about the antichrist.Role of Prophetic MinistryViolenceWarning and awareness
Prophetic Dream: From Warning to Awakening – Preparing for America’s Future, Rick Joyner
Biblical ProphecyDivine InterventionFaith and SpiritualityGenerational Blessings and TransformationsGenerational ShiftsHope and Encouragement in Times of TroubleProphecyProphetic Messages for Modern TimesProphetic VisionsRevivalRevival in AmericaSpiritual AwakeningSpiritual WarfareTrust and Faith in God
A Prophetic Shift: Breaking Curses and Releasing Blessings Over America, Charlie Shamp
Church and governmentChurch and SocietyChurch LeadershipDivine GuidanceDivine InterventionDivine Protection and GuidanceDivine RestorationFaithFaith and LeadershipFaith and Spiritual GuidanceHistorical Examples: Exodus and the Roman EmpireHistorical Significance and Cultural ImpactLeadership and GuidanceNational RepentancePrayerProphecyProphetic DreamsProphetic VisionsRepentanceRevivalScriptures and ReflectionsSpiritual AwakeningSpiritual DiscernmentSpiritual GrowthSpiritual WarfareTestimonyTrust and Faith in GodVisionary ExperiencesWarning and awarenessWarnings and Prophecies
A Prophet’s Dream: Great Darkness, Repentance, and the Rising of the Son in America
Biblical ProphecyDreams and Visionsend timesFaith & SpiritualityHoly SpiritInterpreting Biblical ProphecyProphetic DreamsProphetic VisionsProphetic Warnings: Insights from Revelation about the antichrist.Spiritual DiscernmentSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Warnings and Guidance