We are standing at the arena of socialism in America, which is nothing but a bridge to communism, an ungodly government. It is interesting that those who promote socialism and
It was always crushing emotionally while serving in law enforcement to see people who decided at the heat of the moment or at the peak of their anger to end
I was leaving my nieces house last night after throwing the football with her son and having a great meal together after it had gotten dark. I was slowly driving
What is going on today!!! with all this out-of-control government, corporations, leaders, teachers, unions, generals, and others? Have they lost their minds? Have you asked yourself, “Is the world going
It is a process…getting things where we need to have them to get a good night’s rest. The young phases of our life we take sleep for granite. We just
Since God is the Creator of the Universe, the earth, sky, and sea, and all that is in them, and He gave us a divine book, written under the inspiration
The Nuremberg Code The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as
It is amazing when you look through the word of God and see how many times the Lord chose to
Scripture tells us that God is going to shake everything that can be shaken until that which remains is left.
Jesus said, ‘If you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father.’ Did you know that by honoring Jesus,
There are some who teach if you name it, you can claim it. Others teach you can name it if
Bill Johnson, founder, and senior pastor of Bethel, gracefully came to speak from his heart the same week his lovely
So many times, in our life, we are tempted to think things have gotten so messed up, so contentious, so
TheMerchants “…the merchants of the earth GREW RICH from her excessive luxuries…The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore…The merchants
Did you know it is said there are five stages to grief? When tragedy, major losses, or major shifts in
PROPHETIC HEADLINES “Dollar’s Value Drops Thirty Percent” Fifty Dollar Bill (50 States) Torn in Half “Mideast Deal Strikes Deal with China Instead of the United States of America” “The Perfect
It has been said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. There are people demonstrating in the streets picketing against the beliefs of America.
Does it seem like there is constant strife, contention, and animosity going on at the daily dinner table? Is it hard for you to imagine your family situation turning out
This upcoming weekend, July 28 – 31, at Church of His Presence, in Daphne Alabama, is The Summer Glory Celebration! You don’t want to miss this exciting and encouraging event!