Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

‘HOLY TENSION’ in God’s Family – When its God’s Doing

There comes a time when a loving father must deal with a family member who is bringing harm to the family or themselves. It is a difficult season for the family, one the father deeply wishes he never had to go through, but it is necessary to protect his family. These moments create great tension within the family but are essential for its survival. The same applies to God's family, as our Father. It is crucial to recognize these moments and navigate them carefully, as they can have significant consequences if we fail to understand when our loving Father God is addressing certain member(s) of His family. He loves His family, and it is not acceptable for us to impose our opinions, judgments, or criticisms or to try to change His plans, although we can pray for all involved. In this message, you will witness a time when God, as a Father, had to address His divided and sinning family. The way God operates and perceives things differs greatly from how most of us do in this life. You will discover or rediscover the fear of the Lord and how He is fully in charge of all matters. Lastly, you will learn that just because God uses you to bring correction does not mean you won't personally pay a significant price for not following through with the Lord's direction. Most importantly, you will see how it is true that God disciplines His people, just as a father disciplines his son because He loves us and wants to steer us away from the fatal consequences of bad choices. However, even after discipline, we are still left with free will and must choose the right way.
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There comes a time when a loving father must deal with a family member who is bringing harm to the family or themselves. It is a difficult season for the family, one the father deeply wishes he never had to go through, but it is necessary to protect his family. These moments create great tension within the family but are essential for its survival. The same applies to God's family, as our Father. It is crucial to recognize these moments and navigate them carefully, as they can have significant consequences if we fail to understand when our loving Father God is addressing certain member(s) of His family. He loves His family, and it is not acceptable for us to impose our opinions, judgments, or criticisms or to try to change His plans, although we can pray for all involved. In this message, you will witness a time when God, as a Father, had to address His divided and sinning family. The way God operates and perceives things differs greatly from how most of us do in this life. You will discover or rediscover the fear of the Lord and how He is fully in charge of all matters. Lastly, you will learn that just because God uses you to bring correction does not mean you won't personally pay a significant price for not following through with the Lord's direction. Most importantly, you will see how it is true that God disciplines His people, just as a father disciplines his son because He loves us and wants to steer us away from the fatal consequences of bad choices. However, even after discipline, we are still left with free will and must choose the right way.
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