Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same


Could you imagine being taken to heaven, standing at the door way to the throne room of God? Well that is what happened to Greg Lancaster and he tries his best to describe what it was like. This message will help you gain a right perspective of everything in your life including a clearer understanding of the AWEsomeness of God and how important it is to understand what it would be like to stand before God without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You’ll discover, or rediscover Who Jesus is, what Jesus has done and the importance of Jesus in your life and when you stand in throne room of God as each of us has an appointed time to do this very thing. You’ll help see the difference between God’s favor here in our lives and the favor of God in heaven; eternity.
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Could you imagine being taken to heaven, standing at the door way to the throne room of God? Well that is what happened to Greg Lancaster and he tries his best to describe what it was like. This message will help you gain a right perspective of everything in your life including a clearer understanding of the AWEsomeness of God and how important it is to understand what it would be like to stand before God without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You’ll discover, or rediscover Who Jesus is, what Jesus has done and the importance of Jesus in your life and when you stand in throne room of God as each of us has an appointed time to do this very thing. You’ll help see the difference between God’s favor here in our lives and the favor of God in heaven; eternity.
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