Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

A Letter, a Liar & the Truth. Sin, Love & the World

Could you imagine climbing a ladder your entire life only to find out that when you got to the top to find out you’re on the wrong wall?  There are so many things being taught about God that are different than the word of God.  In this message Greg Lancaster will lead you to discover or re-discover the eternally vital aspects of a life of someone who professes to be a follower of Jesus Christ; a Christian through simply reading through one of the letters the Apostle John wrote to the Church.  John comes out and clearly says that people who profess to be a follower of Christ but are not doing these two certain things are liars.  Greg explains that he wouldn’t have used that word, “liar”, but John did so he shared exactly what John said.  A person who is a liar is saying something that is not true.  In this case, John is saying the liar is the one who is calling themselves a Christian.  You see there are three areas that we can check ourselves to see if we’re truly in the faith.  You don’t want to miss this message for it can be the very thing that keeps you from missing heaven.
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Could you imagine climbing a ladder your entire life only to find out that when you got to the top to find out you’re on the wrong wall?  There are so many things being taught about God that are different than the word of God.  In this message Greg Lancaster will lead you to discover or re-discover the eternally vital aspects of a life of someone who professes to be a follower of Jesus Christ; a Christian through simply reading through one of the letters the Apostle John wrote to the Church.  John comes out and clearly says that people who profess to be a follower of Christ but are not doing these two certain things are liars.  Greg explains that he wouldn’t have used that word, “liar”, but John did so he shared exactly what John said.  A person who is a liar is saying something that is not true.  In this case, John is saying the liar is the one who is calling themselves a Christian.  You see there are three areas that we can check ourselves to see if we’re truly in the faith.  You don’t want to miss this message for it can be the very thing that keeps you from missing heaven.
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