Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Love Sick! The Bridegroom Fast Come Lord Jesus Come!

Religion has a way of drowning out the very purpose in why we were created and the awesome reality of why Jesus came to live as we live, paid the price for our sins, was taken away after being raised from the grave and is to come back for us.  Jesus, when He was with His disciples, was challenged by the religious people of the day asking Him why didn’t He and His disciples fast.  They didn’t understand that a new covenant, a new relationship with God was being established and that fasting is to be done in the longing for someone, something.  When the One you’d long for was with you, why then would you fast.  Yet, a time came, just like He said, when He’d be taken away, for this is when those who are love sick for Him fast and pray, longing for His return.  You’ll be encouraged and inspired by this message and your perspective will be challenged when you think about fasting.  It is a perfect message to prepare you for going into a time of fasting and prayer.  Don’t live your life another day with a mundane focus on things that don’t matter, discover once again it’s all about being love sick for our Lord’s return.
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Religion has a way of drowning out the very purpose in why we were created and the awesome reality of why Jesus came to live as we live, paid the price for our sins, was taken away after being raised from the grave and is to come back for us.  Jesus, when He was with His disciples, was challenged by the religious people of the day asking Him why didn’t He and His disciples fast.  They didn’t understand that a new covenant, a new relationship with God was being established and that fasting is to be done in the longing for someone, something.  When the One you’d long for was with you, why then would you fast.  Yet, a time came, just like He said, when He’d be taken away, for this is when those who are love sick for Him fast and pray, longing for His return.  You’ll be encouraged and inspired by this message and your perspective will be challenged when you think about fasting.  It is a perfect message to prepare you for going into a time of fasting and prayer.  Don’t live your life another day with a mundane focus on things that don’t matter, discover once again it’s all about being love sick for our Lord’s return.
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