Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

The Greatest Among Us are Those Who Serve Us, The Humble; For They Come To Us in God’s Power

In the days where it seems so many are trying by every means possible to promote themselves, get more, reach the top, get the most, but looking back on how God showed us His humility through His Son Jesus Christ puts everything in the right perspective.  Of course, there was, is and never will be, anyone who was on earth, more powerful and worthy than Jesus Christ, yet He humbled Himself before His Father, God and man, while entrusting Himself to His Father Who judges justly.  In these days, according to the New York Post, more people died taking selfie pictures of “themselves” than shark bites in a time an estimated 1.44 BILLION people who say check out “MY FACE” book (Facebook), according to statista.com, where they are posting their every thought or action, humility seems to be the last thing on many people’s minds.  Find out what is meant by “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.”  God is looking for men and women who He can promote in life, in relationships, in business and in ministry, but He will only exalt and loan His power to the humble. Remember, the Lord is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER, so we can always go back to Him and learn of His ways, if we’ve gotten off track.
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In the days where it seems so many are trying by every means possible to promote themselves, get more, reach the top, get the most, but looking back on how God showed us His humility through His Son Jesus Christ puts everything in the right perspective.  Of course, there was, is and never will be, anyone who was on earth, more powerful and worthy than Jesus Christ, yet He humbled Himself before His Father, God and man, while entrusting Himself to His Father Who judges justly.  In these days, according to the New York Post, more people died taking selfie pictures of “themselves” than shark bites in a time an estimated 1.44 BILLION people who say check out “MY FACE” book (Facebook), according to statista.com, where they are posting their every thought or action, humility seems to be the last thing on many people’s minds.  Find out what is meant by “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.”  God is looking for men and women who He can promote in life, in relationships, in business and in ministry, but He will only exalt and loan His power to the humble. Remember, the Lord is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER, so we can always go back to Him and learn of His ways, if we’ve gotten off track.
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