Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Unlocking the Power of Living a Unified Life

In a world where divisiveness, disunity, division and chaos has become something many have just settled for as normal: Unlocking the Power of Living a Unified Life confronts this warped acceptance straight on.

God never intended for humans beings to live life in an isolated bubble but instead designed us to interact and to function with others in community.  No matter who we are we find ourselves members of communities in life that require us

to walk in agreement in specific roles  if we are ever to accomplish anything. This has never been more real than the unity that God requires of His people, the Church. A unified church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Word of God can not be stopped by no devil in hell.  The last thing Jesus prayed for in John 17 was for those who will believe in the message of the Gospel and that is for us to be as He and the Father are one.  God has called us to come together as one new man, with one voice, one message under the direction and instrunction of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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