Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Waiting on the Lord Understanding your Journey to your Destiny in God

When God lets you in on His plans, relax and enjoy the ride.  This message will bring you personal insight and wisdom along with a heavenly perspective of your life and God’s plans.  Joseph was a young man when God shared with him His plans, but there was a journey he had to go on to arrive at God’s amazing plans.  That journey is what we all must go on, which is referred to as “waiting on the Lord.”  Many people see waiting on the Lord as sitting there and waiting for God to force His plans into their life, and they are always being disappointed because that’s not how God works in our life.  The Lord has great plans for each of us and He knows we need to be prepared for those plans.  It’s on that journey, we learn to wait for His plans to manifest in our lives.  Maybe you’ve been given a dream, or a prophetic word from the Lord that declares great things, but you presently see no signs of that word in your life, if so this message is just for you. For those who have become impatient or who have given up because of what has happened in their life thinking that God’s promise is never going to take place in their life, if so, this is for you. Everyone who watches this message will be encouraged as all who heard it the day it was taught were encouraged.
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When God lets you in on His plans, relax and enjoy the ride.  This message will bring you personal insight and wisdom along with a heavenly perspective of your life and God’s plans.  Joseph was a young man when God shared with him His plans, but there was a journey he had to go on to arrive at God’s amazing plans.  That journey is what we all must go on, which is referred to as “waiting on the Lord.”  Many people see waiting on the Lord as sitting there and waiting for God to force His plans into their life, and they are always being disappointed because that’s not how God works in our life.  The Lord has great plans for each of us and He knows we need to be prepared for those plans.  It’s on that journey, we learn to wait for His plans to manifest in our lives.  Maybe you’ve been given a dream, or a prophetic word from the Lord that declares great things, but you presently see no signs of that word in your life, if so this message is just for you. For those who have become impatient or who have given up because of what has happened in their life thinking that God’s promise is never going to take place in their life, if so, this is for you. Everyone who watches this message will be encouraged as all who heard it the day it was taught were encouraged.
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