Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Your Refuge Your Place of Safety in Times of Trouble

There comes a time when trouble times comes as Solomon told us there is a time and season for everything.  When these troubled times come, those who are the Lord’s needs to have a deep understanding of the love, care and protective heart of the Lord for those who love, honor and abide in Him.  America and the world are facing troubled times and it appears there is no return for those who failed to listen and follow the many cries of our Lord as wisdom shouted for years in the streets of our nation.  Now that it is here with more coming, what happens to those who are the Lord’s?  Discover God’s protective plan for you and all who are His.  It’s important to understand clearly God’s Word in this matter so that you can clearly have faith in God and in what He says.  Faith is being sure and certain in the promises of God.  It’s impossible to be sure and certain when one doesn’t know the promises of God in times of trouble.  When you begin to see those who suffer physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually for the choices of a city or nation, suffer from these same consequences, you can know that he who trusts in the Lord; who abides in the shadow of God will be protected.  Be sure to check out www.iAbide.org for a free abiding plan for you when you finish watching this encouraging word.
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There comes a time when trouble times comes as Solomon told us there is a time and season for everything.  When these troubled times come, those who are the Lord’s needs to have a deep understanding of the love, care and protective heart of the Lord for those who love, honor and abide in Him.  America and the world are facing troubled times and it appears there is no return for those who failed to listen and follow the many cries of our Lord as wisdom shouted for years in the streets of our nation.  Now that it is here with more coming, what happens to those who are the Lord’s?  Discover God’s protective plan for you and all who are His.  It’s important to understand clearly God’s Word in this matter so that you can clearly have faith in God and in what He says.  Faith is being sure and certain in the promises of God.  It’s impossible to be sure and certain when one doesn’t know the promises of God in times of trouble.  When you begin to see those who suffer physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually for the choices of a city or nation, suffer from these same consequences, you can know that he who trusts in the Lord; who abides in the shadow of God will be protected.  Be sure to check out www.iAbide.org for a free abiding plan for you when you finish watching this encouraging word.
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