Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

A Sneak Peek of Upcoming Events


There is no doubt that darkness is prevalent in the land and it is surely increasing. There is a darkness that is of the world, but there is also a darkness that is so subtle that it has crept into the Church in the form of false gospels. Actions that were once outright balked at and blushed upon 30 years ago are now commonplace. God is not surprised. His best work is about to be unveiled. The devil has his plans, yes; but it is the Lord’s plan that will ultimately prevail.

In this message, Pastor Kilpatrick reminds us that the last day Church will experience God’s glory like no other generation in the past has experienced. Allow that to sink in. A major and integral component in the days ahead is the Fear of the Lord; and it will come upon the heels of the revelation of His goodness! There are many shakings yet to occur; make sure you are looking at them with God’s perspective. Don’t miss this timely message so that you can be right in the middle of the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit!

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